Prologue- Just Kill Me Now

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  I hate everyone. I couldn't help but scoff in disgust when looking at the couples slobbering all over each other, or hearing imbeciles brag about how they got laid the prior weekend. As I stuffed my headphones in my ears and turned up my music as loud as I could, I wondered my to myself as to why I went through this torture five days a week.
   Oh yeah, I thought, school is mandatory.
When living in a small town like Parkersburg, the worst part about school was that you could leave the building, but never really escape the people. Since there are very few places teenagers can actually go to hang out, everyone tended to go to the same places. Honestly, had it not been for my best friend Anne, I wouldn't have left the house at all.
          Almost if she could hear my thoughts, the petite Indian girl came rushing at me, her dark locks somehow managing to stay perfectly intact.
          "Caitlin! Oh my god guess what! Tommy's having a huge party on Friday and we have to go!"
That's the thing about Anne. She's the most energetic and cheerful person I know. That's probably the reason why she's head cheerleader of our school. How we're friends still remains a mystery to me today.
However, she knew that I would much rather be spending some quality on my laptop watching Netflix than going out of my way to actually socialize with people.
I took out one of my headphones, "Anne, you know that's not really my scene, maybe I can just drop you off and then-"
"Pretty please? I promise we can have a whole Glee marathon the next day!"
If there was one thing that could get Anne's overly cheerful self even the slightest bit annoyed, it was that show. I had no idea why, and no matter how many times I begged and pleaded for her to watch it with me, she didn't budge. There had to be something special about this party that she wasn't telling me. But those thoughts left my mind as soon as she showed me her famous pouty face that got me every time.
"Fine, I'll go. But you better keep your end of the deal!"
I tuned out her endless squeals of thanks as we headed to our first class of the day. Too busy thinking about my OTP Finchel, the party on Friday was the last thing on my mind. As we neared the door to our English class, I squared my shoulders, preparing myself for the utter stupidity that was going to come out of the idiots also known as my classmates.
But had I known what was in store for me after going to the party, I'm not sure I would've even attended it in the first place.

*A Smiling Girl*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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