Lets begin

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A howl. Thats what you heard. A ferocious growl. A light brownish wolf had you cornered in a forest somewhere. But, how did you get here exactly? Well, I will explain that later. For now, we must focus on the present and not die.

"Oh god. . ." You shakily said, pushing yourself closer to the wall.

"I-I'm so stupid. . ." You scolded yourself as tears streamed down your cheeks quietly. The wolfs growling ceased and looked at your terrified form.

The wolfs ears bent back in shame and it lowered its head. It sniffed the air and looked at you once again, before leaving you, confused as ever.

As the large wolf ran off, you watched it leave. Your body stopped shaking and your tears slowed down, eventually drying on your red, puffy cheeks.

A few hours later, the wolf came back to the spot it left you. You were still there, but asleep. The wolf huffed quietly as it walked up to you, grabbing your ragged clothes and dragging you away from the wall. The wolf managed to pull you over its back. Once you were secure on the wolfs stiff back, it carried you all the way to a hidden, wood cabin.

The wolf nudged the door open and placed you next to the lively fireplace. Then a muscular man appeared at the cabin, confused.

"Little one, what are you doing here?" The deep voice asked the wolf.

The wolf lifted its head towards the man, covered in a wolf fur coat. The wolf whimpered, knowing it was in trouble. The wolf looked your way and the man looked at the sleeping female figure.

He sighed "Out" He demanded. The wolf quickly left.

"What did you do?" The man asked himself as he sat next to the sleeping figure.

After that event, you woke up. The feeling of something soft actually woke you up. You noticed a wolfs fur coat and felt it in your hands.

You hugged it, attempting to fall back asleep.

"You're awake" A deep voice alerted you.

You squeaked, making yourself small, hoping everything was your imagination.

"Little one, don't be afraid" The deep voice softened. You slowly lifted your aching body away from the, surprisingly comfortable, floor. You faced the voice and there stood a man, wearing a formal, but super loose clothing. He was looking straight at you with a small smile.

"Now, do you prefer tea or water?" He asked gently.

"Tea. . ." You whispered, throat aching from whatever activity you did yesterday. (Screaming)

The man nodded, making tea for you.

"One of my wolfs found you, well, tried yo kill you, yesterday" He huffed quietly. "Damn things don't know how to act polite, I'm sorry for that yesterday" He gave you a concerned look.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have been out there anyway" You admitted shyly.

"Why were you out there anyway?" He asked, focusing on making you a proper meal.

"Well. . .when I was a child, I didn't have the best childhood. My father was an addict and never cared for me. I live with him till this day. I got lost one day, walking back from my work. I was drawn into this forest by some sound, a voice I think. When the sound went away, I had no idea where I was. Then your wolf came and you know the rest" You looked away shyly.

"Hm. . ." He hummed, looking at the now finished food.

"Relax and stay here for a while, I will bring you back home later, you need your rest" He said calmly.

He brought you the food and tea and set it next to you. You thanked him and started to eat calmly while he watched, which you, surprisingly, didn't mind.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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