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Fleckfrost gave his apprentice a rough lick between the ears and set off across the ice to the border. His long tail streamed behind him as he approached IceClan territory, their sharp scent burning on his tongue. The snow had slightly blurred the lines between the two Clans and the medicine cat swallowed hard as he stepped onto the other Clan's territory.

"AlderClan trespasser!" A sharp yowl cut through the crisp air and a golden blur barreled into Fleckfrost. He hissed, kicking out powerfully with his hind paws and throwing the small cat off.

"Applemist! That's AlderClan's medicine cat!" a black tom with crooked whiskers meowed admonishingly, "I apologize, Fleckfrost, my former apprentice still has much to learn, it would seem." The golden warrior let out a short hiss and fell in behind the black tom, snarling at Fleckfrost as she did so. Fleckfrost felt his lip curl as he glared at Applemist, then dipped his head shortly at the tom.

"May I pass through, Lightningwhisker? I need to speak to StarClan," the speckled feline meowed, trying to ignore the golden warrior who was still staring daggers at him. Lightningwhisker tilted his head curiously.

"What about? Is AlderClan alright?" the crooked-whiskered tom asked. Fleckfrost gritted his teeth, trying not to roll his eyes.

As if I would tell you my Clan's weaknesses, IceClan beetlebrain...

"I would keep that information between myself and my ancestors if you don't mind," Fleckfrost said frostily, shuffling his paws, which had long since gone numb. The IceClan warrior's fur bristled for a moment and then he nodded.

"Understood... However, a patrol will accompany you on your way," Lightningwhisker meowed firmly, waving his tail into the air as he spoke. Several cats melted from the darkening evening shadows, their eyes reflecting the harsh white of the snow. Fleckfrost struggled to keep his annoyance from showing blatantly on his face.

"Lionfoot, Frogleap, and Beepaw, you will escort Fleckfrost to the edge of our territory by Moonrocks. You will wait there for his return and then bring him back to the border," the black IceClan tom meowed authoritatively, flicking his tail at a large tawny tom, a thin brown warrior, and a lithe white she-cat, who sneered when Fleckfrost's eyes grazed her pelt. The AlderClan medicine cat's hackles raised and he swung his head towards Lightningwhisker with a growl.

"Thank you, Lightningwhisker, but I think I'll be perfectly fine on my own. Call off your warriors," Fleckfrost meowed, a twinge of pain shooting up his leg as he tried to unsheathe his frozen claws. Beepaw hissed and jumped in front of the speckled tom as he took a step forward.

"Don't try and kid us, AlderClan cat," Applemist sneered, her eyes glittering dangerously, "You're obviously starving. A juicy piece of IceClan prey probably sounds good after eating AlderClan crowfood." Fleckfrost bared his teeth in the beginning of a snarl, his sharp fangs glinting silver in the pale winter dusk.

"I need to see StarClan and if you're paranoid enough to send me to Moonrocks like a prisoner so be it. Leafbare has obviously gotten to you," Fleckfrost growled, eyeing the ribs poking out of Applemist's golden fur. The IceClan warrior's hackles raised and Fleckfrost could see her shifting her weight in preparation to pounce. Lightningwhisker flicked his ear and glared at the bright-furred cat.

"Very well," the black feline meowed roughly, "Lionfoot, you'll lead the way. Frogleap, bring up the rear." Fleckfrost glared at the two toms in resentment as the tawny tom shouldered his way past the wiry medicine cat.

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