Chapter 9

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After getting to see Abel, Jasmine couldn't believe how much of a little fighter he was. She couldn't wait til he got out of his toaster so the could spoil the boy. After leaving the hospital Gemma and Jasmine stopped at the grocery store, everything was going great until Jasmine ran into someone she didn't want to have to face.

Jasmine and Gemma watched as Earnest Darby fresh out of prison walked into the grocery store to get food. "Oh great they let that scum out of prison." Gemma whispered to Jasmine. "Lets finish this shopping trip up before he notices us."

Gemma moved the cart to walk down the other isle but it was to late Darby noticed the girls. Darby walked down the isle in his wife beater shirt and blue jeans on. You could tell by his tattoos who he was affiliated with. That was nothing new for Jasmine because Ron had them too.

He smirked when he saw Jasmine. "Well well Jasmine Teller. Wouldn't expect to see you here in Charming."

Jasmine folded her arms. "Same goes for you Darby."

Darby chuckled. "You know I heard some things about you when I got out. I never would of pegged you for someone to go out with a brother. If I knew a fine ass woman like you where into that I would of hit you up long ago."

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well sugar only one thing wrong with that. I'm still Samcro's princess and while I'm in Charming they still protect me. Can't say the same thing about you shouldn't you be in another town cooking crank or letting your boys sell to pregnant women. See sweetheart I heard some things about you too."

Darby began laughing. "Damn woman, don't go all Gemma on me I was just making small talk. Tell your boyfriend I said hi for me." Darby turned and walked away smirking.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and turned to  find her mother staring holes into her. Jasmine raised her eyebrow at her mother. She knew her mother heard the entire conversation she had with Darby.

"What was that about?" Gemma asked.

Jasmine sighed. "It was nothing Mom and it will continue to be nothing."

"Jasmine Rose Teller that was far from nothing. Are you caught up with the Nords?" Gemma yelled.

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "No mom I'm not. Now let's get these groceries back to the boys."


Jasmine was quiet on the way home from the grocery store. She had texted Ron about her encounter with Darby. He was far from happy about it, not at Jasmine just at Darby. She also informed him that everyone here was pushing her to let them met him and that she was ready to come home. Jasmine wasn't ashamed to introduce Ron to her family, she just wanted to do it on her terms. This visit was about seeing her nephew and supporting her brother. 

Jasmine had helped her mom put up all the stuff at the club house and finished cleaning the dorm rooms. She was sitting at the bar drinking a beer when the guys except Opie and Piney and added Happy came up to her while she was drinking.

She raised her eyebrows at the guys as she downed her beer. "You know when this many guys come up to a girl at a bar it's a little off putting. So what can I do for you guys?"

Jax was the one to speak up. "Mom told us about Darby."

Jasmine rolled her eyes and sighed. "And?" She was starting to get fed up with everyone here including her mother.

Jax ran a hand through his long blonde hair a sign he was getting upset. "What the hell Jasmine getting caught up with Nords. Let me guess your little boyfriend is one of Darby's."

Jax was getting pissed and so was Jasmine she was tired of everyone's opinion of who she was associating herself with. "No Jax he isn't a Nord and I don't associate with Nords. Darby is a prick that thinks he knows every little thing about his little world. You know there are people out there that think that SAMCRO is just as bad if not worst. But if you must know everything about who I am with and I know you're gonna use some skill and look into it all behind my back anyways without trusting me. My roommate is Luna Tully and her brother my boyfriend is Ron Tully they are from Bakersfield. And Jackson before you start preaching on who I date, I don't ever believe I got to meet Wendy before you married her. So great choice on the mother of your child, a junky whore that almost killed him."

Jasmine grabbed her bag and pushed her way out of the group of guys and began walking to the door out of the club. Bobby ran up to her before she could leave. "Baby where you going?"

Jasmine sighed. "Bobby I love you and I love all of yall. But I'm tired of the 3rd degree today. I just wanted to catch up with all of yall, see my nephew and have a family dinner. Today I have been harassed by Mom, by my ex who is bringing shit up. By Darby and now yall. I'm done I'm going home because the next thing that will happen I will regret and I don't want to physically hurt yall. So bye guys tell mom I love her."

Bobby let Jasmine leave she was wiping tears from her eyes as she walked to her Dodge Charger. She started the car up and sped out of Teller Morrow. She remembered why she was done with Charming and she was going home to her family that cared about her. At a red light she texted Ron and Luna telling them she was coming home tonight, it was a bad trip and not to ask questions til she could cool off. 

Passions KIlling Floor ~ A Ron Tully x OC SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now