racing heart

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Her feet stopped, along with her whole body. She could feel her heart beginning to race in her chest, her breathing verging on the edge of uneven.

"Yachi!" The voice called again, practically stooping Yachi's heart in her tracks, "Wait up!"

Yachi turned around to see the angelic face she had been dreading, the boy she was infatuated with.

"O-oh, hey," Yachi stumbled over her own words, causing her cheeks to flush in embarrassment.

"It's been so long! Summer break was great, am I right?"

Yachi could never understand the boys' positivity, he never seemed to stop smiling. Even when they were in an extremely hard math exam, when she looked to the back of the classroom, he was grinning at the blonde.

"Ha, yeah, ha, summer w-was great!" Yachi giggled, cursing at herself internally for her disability to function around cute guys.

"So, what'd you do?" He grinned, tucking his large hands into his tracksuit pockets, "I went ice skating practically every week with my sister, it was great. I haven't been on the rink in so long and it was so good to finally have a break so I could go back!"

He was an ice skater, an amazing one at that. Yachi had no knowledge of ice skating, except for that she had learnt from an anime that had recently aired.

"I've never a-actually been ice s-skating," Yachi's cheeks would have flushed and even darker pink if it was possible.

"Seriously?" He was shocked, "I need to take you skating then! I'm going to the rink tomorrow after school, want to come?"

Yachi's heart practically stopped, and she couldn't believe the brace word that slipped out of her mouth the second he asked.


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