~Episode 4~

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*??? Unlocks the door*
Nia:Yes?Who's that?
Briar:It's me,Briar!
*Nia and Natalija come out*
*They hug Briar*
Natalija:Thank godness you are here!
Nia:Yeah.We missed you
Briar:Thanks guys but i was gone for just 15 minutes..
*Briar giggles*
Briar:Sooo..Natalija,show me your routine!
*Natalija goes half way the routine*
*Natalija falls*
*Briar stops the music*
Nia:Natalija!Are you ok?
*Nia runs over to her*
*Briar comes*
Briar:What?Where does it hurt?
*Natalija points on her leg*
Briar:Ouch!That must've hurt!
Nia:What should we do?
Briar:I think we have a little ambulance over here.
Nia:Ok!Let's go!
Briar:Wait,wait,wait!What if we get caught?
Nia:Sorry Briar,but this is an emergency..
Briar:I know,i know..
Nia:Omg,let's go,let's go!
*they leave the room*
*they go to the little emergency room*
In the emergency room
Nurse:Oh Briar!What are you doing here?
Briar:I have a friend that fell and hurt her leg...
Nurse:Ohh,that sounds bad..Where is she?
*Briar brings Nia and Natalija in*
Nurse:Come on here,sit on the exam table.
*Natalija sits on exam table*
Nurse:Ok,ok..I'm gonna touch and you tell me if it hurts.
*Nurse touches her leg*
*Natalija screams so loud*
*Briar puts her hand on Natalijas mouth*
Nurse:So i guess that hurts..
Nia:You bet'cha!
Nurse:I guess you turned your leg over.It's not a big deal here at The Next Step..
Natalija:K,but when will that cure?
Nurse:I think for a week..Did Briar tell you when that happened to her?
Briar:Yeah,in s02 i got the same injury as you..It hurt real bad..
Natalija:Oh no!What about the competition?I mean it's not beacuse of me,it's because of you Briar.You struggled so hard to make that routine and i failed hardly...
Briar:Ohh,it's ok sweety..Anything for my new best friends...
Nurse:Thank you guys for being so freakin' cute,but she has to go to the ambulance to get your leg all wraped up!
Natalija:Ok,but how can i go by myself with Nia..
Nurse:Well,Briar can come with you can she?
Briar:You know i'm the judge of the competition..
Nurse:Yeah,i know..But it starts in like 1h..
Briar:Could we make it?
Nurse:Yeah,if you call the ambulance..
Briar:K.Let me check something first.
*Briar comes out of the door*
Bree:Hmm,hmm...What are you doing here?
Bree:Hmm let me think...Are you Briar Nolet?
Briar:So what?*Says confused*
Bree:What are you doing at the emergency room?
Briar:I...I...was just having a fever.
*Bree touches her fourhead*
Bree:You don't seem hot.
Briar:Exactly.The Nurse gave me the medicine..
Bree:Ok..But be there on time!
Briar:Oh the audition!
Bree:Good job.Bye now
*Bree leaves*
*Briar comes back into the emergency room*
Nia:Who was that?
Briar:It was Bree.But i got away..
Briar:Phew indeed!Let's go now!
Natalija:But i can't walk..
Nurse:I'll give you crunches..
*gives crunches*
Briar:Are we all set now?
Natalija:You bet'cha!
*They all giggle*
Natalija:Thank you so much nurse for your help.
Nurse:No problem!And call me Chloe.
Nurse Chloe:Bye!Have a safe trip!
*they leave the room*
*they hear ambulance sirens*
•529 words..Woo!😂
•Idk what to say so ty for reading💕


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