Chapter 31

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I walked downstairs to make summer some breakfast. You have no idea how much i waited for this to happen. I mean i love her and i know she love's me to. I don't know what will happen to me without her.

"Hey mate" Zayn said when he came in while i was making summer some breakfast.

"Hey mate what sup?" i asked

"Gonna make Perrie some breakfast since she can't walk you?" Zayn asked

"Same to summer" I answered.

"Thats why you didn't go to school today?" Zayn asked me

"Yea" i said

"I think i'm not gonna go" i added

"What?" he asked

"I think i'm not gonna teach anymore" i said to Zayn

"Why?" Zayn asked me.

"Well i only went so i can get Summer even though i have a degree" i said to Zayn

Zayn nodded.

"Thats why" Zayn said

"Yea" i said

"Plus i have the girl i have been waiting forever" i said

"Same with Perrie" Zayn said


I sat in bed really bored not knowing what to do. I got out of bed and covered my body with the covers, my legs don't hurt that much but they felt really numb kinda.

"I need a shower" i thought and rushed in the bathroom connected to my room.


Once i got out of the shower. i put on Orange plaid pj pants a orange tank top and black sweatshirt that says "i love orange cupcakes".

I put my wet hair into a wet messy bun.

Knock knock.

"Come in" i said

Liam came in with a tray of food which were 3 stacks of pancakes and eggs with sausages and bacon with orange juice.

"Thanks" i said to Liam when he gave me the food .

"Aren't you going to eat?" i asked him

"Yea" he said and went vampire speed to go get his food.

Once he came back he sat next to me and started eating.

"Did you take a shower?" he asked me.

"No i just licked my hair" i said sarcastically

Liam forward his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Yes i took a shower FYI i was being sarcastic" i said

"Oh" he said

I started humming burn by Ellie Goulding.

"Pussy" I heard someone yell.

"Who the hell was that?" i asked Liam

"Zayn" Liam answered

"Why?" I asked

"He is trying to be funny to Perrie since she is being grumpy today" Liam answered.

"Did she have sex with Zayn?" i asked Liam casually

Liam choked on his orange juice.

I hit his back.

"Maybe why?" Liam answered.

"Because some girls are grumpy after sex and since she is on a vampire they can't have periods since they don't have blood in their system" i answered.

"Damn" i heard Liam mumble

"What?" i asked

"I never knew my girlfriend was a smart ass" Liam said

I blushed not because he called me smart no because he called me his girlfriend.

"I'm done" i said putting the empty plate on the tray.

"Let me take it back" Liam said

Liam took the plate in vampire speed and came back.

"So what do you want to do?" Liam asked me

"Let me change the sheets" i said

"Why?" Liam asked

"I am sitting on a wet spot now please get off" I said to him.

Liam huffed but got off. i did as well.

I changed the sheets but while i was doing that i felt a spank on my ass.

I yelped and glared at Liam while he was on the floor laughing.

"Yea keep laughing but when you get hit in the dick i'm gonna be laughing" i said to him

Liam immediately stopped laughing and got up.

"I'm sorry babe" Liam said

"Yea sure" i said rolling my eyes

I felt arms around my waist and a kiss on my neck.

"Forgive me" Liam said

"Apology accepted" i said

Liam kissed me in the back of the head and threw me on the bed.

"Hey" i said

Liam just smiled and kissed me.

And with that through the day we cuddled in bed and eating ice cream.

The end JK.


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