pt 1

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  She called herself Max. It wasn't her real name but she used it so nobody would know who she was when she went to work. You see Max had a dangerous job, in which she could never be caught doing. She was part of a mob. She killed people and helped organize crimes. She technically worked on commission but the boss paid her housing since he had tried to use her to cheat on his wife. A lot of the other guys paid her too for the same reason, because while she was under the impression that since her father had hired them to let her be in their mob which fell under the protection of his, that they had respectfully hired her to do most of the skilled killings and crimes; but apparently they just thought she would be the mob bimbo. And nurses think they have a hard time breaking the stigma behind their job, let me tell you the number of guys who had tried to kill her over her refusing them was ridiculous. Max could have them all killed in a heartbeat but that wasn't why she had joined this mob. She chose this one because of its history of treating women this way because while she turned them done she loved the attention. The boss figured this out about her pretty quickly and he kept it between them, just occasionally joking that one day a man would teach her how to behave.  

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