The New Head Boy

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Here I am, holding hands with Ron who is unsuccessfully trying hard not to cry while I don't let a tear form in my eyes. I try to fake it but I can't hide the fact that I'm excited to go back to Hogwarts. My whole summer has been a bummer with Ron working full time for the ministry and Harry gone training to be a Auror, Ginny is all I had. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Ginny but I would of liked to spent at least half the summer with my boyfriend. Ginny got to spent time with Harry more than I with Ron.

I can't even look into Ron's eyes without feeling guilty. Guilty that I chosen Hogwarts over him but it wasn't like our relationship wasn't going anywhere in the first place. We just hug, kiss and hold hands. We don't even cuddle or take walks like we used to.

"I will miss you," Ron tells me.

"I'll miss you too," My gaze not able to look at his.

I hear him sigh and say, "Look, I'm sorry about the summer. It was a total bust. I should have never took that job at the ministry and maybe you wouldn't be going off to Hogwarts."

I gasp. "Ron! No, no! I don't blame you at all," Even though that was kind of a lie. "I mean yeah, this summer could have been better but I want to go to school. I want to finish off my last year of school," That was true. "Please don't blame yourself."

The first bell rang, telling us it's time to aboard the Hogwarts Express. Ginny comes up with her suitcase with tears streaming down cheek. "We better get going?"

I give Ron a brief kiss and say, "I will write you everyday okay? I love you."

I quickly boarded the Hogwarts Express and found a empty compartment. I slide open the door, put my suitcase up on the rack and took a seat. Ginny comes in shortly after I'd settled down. We don't speak. I just continued to stare at Ron who mouthed sorry and then disapaperated.

"Did you just see that!" I practically just yelled at the top of my lungs.

"See what?" Ginny sniffs.

"Ron! He just disappareted. What a git. A stupid git! He is supposed to wave goodbye to me and send me air blow kisses. But you want to know what he just did? He mouths sorry and disapperated!"

Ginny arches a brow at me and then I realize how silly I sound.

"Well everyone knows he is a git," Ginny says and that makes me smile. She is my only friend that I know going to Hogwarts. Even though Ginny is a year younger, we are both starting our seventh year. 

The whole train ride was joyful. Besides me crying about Ron but other than that, it was fun. We gathered some boys and some girls into our compartment and played Truth or Dare, we pigged out on junk food and we talked about how Hogwarts is going to turn out this year and our new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher is. We did not once talk about our boyfriends and our problem with them.

Right before we got to Hogwarts, we slip on our robes and get out our wands.

"Where is your Head Girl pin?" Ginny asks.

I smile. "Oh, I am getting a new one. Well me and the Head Boy, whoever that is."

All through out the Sorting Hat, I couldn't stop thinking about who was Head Boy. Nobody that I know probably I thought. After the Sorting, our new headmaster, Professor Wambers, introduced us to our new Dark Arts teacher, Professor Peetriv and to our new Potions teacher, Professor Odar.

"Now we would like to introduced our Head Boy and Head Girl. Our Head Girl is Hermione Granger from Gryffindor," I stood up and wave and then took my seat. "And our Head Boy is Draco Malfoy from Slytherin." Malfoy stands up and nods before sitting back down.

I gape. This couldn't be happening. Malfoy is not capable of being a Head Boy. He made that very clear when he chose Voldemort's side. I look at Ginny and she is frozen with shock. I sigh and turn my attention back to Professor Wamble.

"I would like to see the Head Boy and Girl in my office after the feast. Now please enjoy the food while it lasts!"

The food was served and it looked great but I wasn't hungry. I kept picking at my food and I know Ginny has been taking glances of me. I dreaded the time when I had to go up to the Headmaster's office with Malfoy.

Right when I start to get hungry, Professor Wamble announces that it was time to go to bed. I groan and got up. I walk out of the Great Hall and into the crowded corridors. When I see Malfoy trying to catch up with me  and walk faster. I hear him calling my name but that just makes me want to run. I turn the corner and start to jog when an arm grabbed me and spun me around.

"Oh what do you want?" I say in a harsh tone.

"I wanted to walk with you to the Headmaster's office," Malfoy answers.

"And why would you want to do that?" I ask completely curious as why he wants to walk with a Mudblood like me.

"Well for starters, we are going up there anyways," He lets go of my arm and start to walk away when he catches up to me again.

"Hermione please,"

Wait -Did he just say please? I got to be dreaming. This just does not feel real.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. For all the years I called you Mudblood or picking on you. I just want to start fresh," He pleads.

"Are you for real?" I ask in a tiny voice.

He nods and I allow him to walk with me to the Headmaster's office. Once when we get there, he invites us and and told us to take a seat. He then started talking about our responsibilities and how we should not use our power of control over our classmates. Then he got up to something very interesting.

"Well as you guys should know that the Head Boy and Girl share quarters," Malfoy and I shared a look that said uh oh. "Come on? You must of known that right?" But Malfoy and I shake our heads. "Oh, uh okay then. Well Head Boy and Girl have their own quarters. One huge bathroom like the prefects bathroom. You guys have your own rooms which are pretty huge from what I've seen. There is also a common room to do your homework. I have also put a mini fridge in there. It was all my idea too," Professor Wamble says cheerfully. He is so proud because he put a mini fridge in our quarters. "Anyways, I hope you like your new home for the next year."

I cough and stutter, "Wha-what! We can not share quarters with each other, we barely get along."

"I don't mind it," Malfoy admits which makes me blush. He did not just make me blush! I look at the ground and when I look up, Malfoy is red too.

"I just want to get to know you better and be friends," Malfoy says.

But I don't say anything. I'm still a little confused about the whole blushing wagon. I storm out of the office and find my way up to the Head Boy and Girl's quarters. I caught my breath at the sight of the room. Malfoy reaches up to me and lets whistle escape from his mouth. I first go to the bathroom.

The bathroom was bigger than the common room. There was a jacuzzi tub and a shower. A double sink and obviously we would need a toilet. I race to my bedroom and it was even bigger than the bathroom. I have my own desk and a queen size bed. I have a dresser and a walk-in-closet. I walk back to the common room where Malfoy is sitting in a chair. I took a seat in the chair across from him and he looks at me.

"This place is amazing. And Wamble was right, we do have a mini fridge!"


"Please call me Draco," He says.

"Uh okay. Draco, do you really mean it that you want to be friends?" I ask. It has been on my mind for awhile now and I'm not so sure if I want to believe him.

"Yes I did mean it."

"Oh," Is all I say. There was an awkward silence and I wanted to break it but I had nothing to say. After a few short minutes, I got up and say, "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," He replies and stalks off to his room.

It takes me a sec to understand what I just heard. Draco said goodnight right? Or was I just thinking it?. And since when did he want to start becoming friends with a Mudblood? He is a Slytherin. Slytherin don't really get along with Gryffindor that much. And what happened to his mean, bullying side? What the hell happened to Draco Malfoy?

I'm In Love With Him? (Hermione and Draco love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz