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(First person)

I woke up with a bolt, scampering to cover my body with the sheets, my head hurt and my ears were ringing as I tried to recall what happened last night. Looking down at my bare body I had some clue, Dave wasn't in the bed but instead in the kitchen, probably making some amazing thing for me to chow on.

The bed sheets were messy and I could tell that what I thought happened, definitely did. I let myself fall back onto the bed again, not bothering to but the bedspread back on to cover me. Dave would just have to deal with my bare chest if he came in. Which he did.

He walked into the room and leaned against the doorframe, "You're awake." He cooed, making his way towards me and planting himself on the edge of his bed and looking down to me.

"Its about time too." He joked, "I was beginning to think you died." I chuckled as I sat up, not bothering to cover myself, his chest was bare as well, signaling that he hadn't been up for long. His hair was a good kind of messy and his shades were sitting on his table, he wore a baggy pair of sweatpants and his signature smile.

", I haven't kept you waiting have I?" I asked as I pulled the blanket off myself and walked across the room to grab some clothing, it was just some underwear and one of his shirts but he seemed pleased.

"No, not very long, I was just about to come and carry you into the living room so you could eat." He replied as he walked toward you, resting his forehead on yours and kissing you, "so let's get to it!" He picked me up and carried me into the living room, sitting me on the couch in front of some food.

It was really sweet, and I was practically starving from our actions last night. Thinking about it didn't exactly help either, to be honest it only made me hungrier.

He watched me adoringly eating the food, smiling at the fact that I liked it. When I finished I turned back to him with a grin on my face.

"What's that look for?" He asked as he brought Hus hand up to my face, brushing a couple strands if hair out if my face, "I kinda like it." He chuckled.

"I can think of a couple reasons for my glance, but do you want the real one?" I teased, crawling onto his lap and looking up into his beautiful crimson eyes.

"Mn, the real reason would be much appreciated darling." He cooed as he leaned down slightly as to give me the opportunity to kiss him. I of course did.

As we pulled away in heated breaths I grinned again. "I love the idea of a round two~"  I cooed back to him, shifting slightly in his lap.

He blushed, I had once again broken the cool kid. "You really wanna?" He asked as his hands trailer down my back.

"Yes, I want you." I said as I pulled his closer to my figure, kissing him sloppier than I ever had before.

"This'll be fun."

Daddy Dave Strider x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now