Chapter two

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Four months pregnant

Rory Does not go to school now and also they live in their own house in star hallow and dean works for lorelai and one day dean asked lorelai for her permission to marry Rory and she said yes

Tomorrow dean is taking Rory out for dinner and he will proposing to Rory and he is hoping she says yes.

Today Rory and Dean are going on their date and he is nervous and when they got to Luke's diner half way throw their dinner dean got down on one knee and proposed to Rory and she said yes he was so happy that she said yes to him.

Then next week Rory finds out the sex of the baby.

Next week.....

Today Rory Is finding out the sex of her baby and when she got to the doctor Dean could not make it but her best friend lane was their then the doctor said you are having twins one girl and one boy.

She told Dean when he got home and they picked some names they are naming their boy Isaac and their girl Leah.

Tomorrow Dean and Rory are getting married.

Sorry about the spelling and grammar  hope you like it

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