Date Night

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We landed in a little muggle town. It was later at night, around seven. I intertwined my hand with Charlie and let him lead me to wherever he was taking me. As he led me, the town looked familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it.

We walked Down a few streets and then around the corner. I looked down at the end of a dead end road and saw a quaint little restaurant. It looked so welcoming, especially in these times. Charlie and I walked into the door after walking through the patio. The Maître d'hôtel met us at the door, but before she could say anything, Charlie told her he had a reservation for two. He gave her his first name (trying to not bring up Weasley, since it's become a well known name for being in contact with Undesirable No. 1) and she marked it off of the list she had. We followed her as she walked to the back of the restaurant then out of the door to the back patio. We turned right from the door and she ushered us to the corner of the patio where there were flowers, lights, and a bottle of champagne on ice. I looked up at Charlie, smiled, and gave his hand a squeeze. When we got to the table, he pushed in my chair when I sat down. Our waiter came around and poured our glasses of champagne, then placed a paddle of bread and butter down on our table as our appetizer.

"Charlie, this is amazing. How did you do this?" I asked, leaning my head in my hands.

"A little magic goes a long way." He said with a wink and a chuckle. He picked up a slice of bread and took a small bite out of it.

I called over the waiter and asked for a glass of water.

"Do you not like champagne?" Charlie asked, worried he had messed up on the date.

"No, don't get me wrong, I do, I just prefer to have it with dinner." I said, smiling and thanking the waiter for the water. He put down another glass for Charlie.

"I see where you're coming from with that." Charlie said, sipping his water.

The waiter asked if we were ready to order. Charlie ordered just regular old spaghetti and I order a Stracciatella soup.

I propped my elbows on the table and laid my chin in my hands, looking at Charlie. "So who was your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?"

"Teacher or subject?" He asked with a slight smirk and a raised eyebrow.


"Well, surprisingly, my favorite subject was Potions. I loved how intriguing it is to figure which ingredients go well together and which definitely do not." He chuckled. "Teacher," he spoke behind his hand, "you wouldn't be surprised," he put his hand down, "Professor Kettleburn."

I laughed. Of course his favorite teacher was the old Care of Magical Creatures Professor. I'm sure they were very close.

He looked concerned, all of the sudden. "Did you have anyone to escape to? When you were a child?"

I thought long and hard about this question. "Hmm, I don't know, I would occasionally run to the nearest Muggle village. They had a great library. I would read so many books there, they would occasionally hold new releases for me. Like, this one time, after a Muggle author came out with this horror book about a clown, Pennywise, the book was called IT."

"That's an odd name, Pennywise..." He said with a laugh.

"IT was an odd dude," I said with a wink, emphasizing my pun. "Anyway, they held the first copy of that just for me. I had set it in my calendar when I found out. That was my escape, I guess. Books and the Muggle Library."

"Well, now I'm here, and I'll be your escape. We can make up for all the lost time you had when you were a child." He said, holding my hand from across the table.


We talked and ate for a long while, having an overall great time. When it was time to leave, Charlie paid the bill (with a little arguing from me), and we walked out of the restaurant.

"So, where to next?" I asked, looking at him.

"It's a surprise." He smiled, then apparated us.

We appeared at a muggle movie theater. I looked up at him, confused. He smiled, took my hand, then pulled me into the theater.

Inside the building was a huge entrance. It was empty of people, except for the employees. We walked to the concession stand and Charlie got a box of popcorn for the both of us. He ushered me to the theatre he somehow reserved for us. As soon as he opened the door for me to walk in, the movie started and I found that, somehow, he had managed to play my favorite movie, Alice in Wonderland.

I looked at him. How did you manage to get this played in a theatre? Its been forever since it came out, it must've been a nightmare to find the film! I looked at him and he smiled. You truly are amazing, Charlie Weasley We sat down in the middle of the seats and I laid my head on his shoulder.

It was safe to say we didnt do a whole lot of watching during the movie.

As soon as the movie ended, Charlie walked us both out, making sure to thank all the people that helped orchestrate his date plan. We apparated and appeared on top of a hill, the lights of London in the distance. Charlie waved his wand and Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller played from no where. Charlie pulled a long box, about the size of a wand box, out from his coat pocket. He handed it to me and smiled.

"I got this for you." I scrunched up my eyebrows and was about to tell him that he didn't need to, but he stopped me. "Open it!" He smiled down at me.

I did as he told me and slowly opened it. Inside was a truly beautiful necklace. The chain was a deep (almost bronze) gold, and the main gem was royal blue. It really reminded me of the Ravenclaw house colors.

"It's to remind you that you're different than what your name suggests. No matter what happens, you'll always have that reminder that you're accepted as family, even if you are a McCullock."

A tear rolled down my cheek, "Charlie, it's absolutely beautiful." I smiled up at him. He took the necklace out of the box, spun me around, and attached it around my neck. It hit right in the middle of my chest, the perfect length.

Charlie, still standing behind me, took my hand, spun me around, and asked, "Do you want to dance?"

I laid my right hand on his shoulder, and Charlie rested his left hand on my hip. I followed his moves as we danced and spun to the 1939 jazz ballad.

I stretched my neck out to whisper in his ear, "Tonight has been so great. Definitely going down in the books as one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me." We stopped dancing, as I reached up even more on my toes to peck him on the lips. I got back down from my toes, laid my head on his chest, and we began to sway back and forth. He kissed the top of my head and pulled me even closer.


We had apparated back to the Inn and up the stairs to our apartments.

Charlie let go of my hand and unlocked his door. He looked back at me, smiled, and scratched his neck. "Well, I guess this is good-"

I stepped forward and interrupted his sentence. We kissed passionately and in sync, even through Charlie attempting to open his door. We stumbled forward and as soon as we made it through, Charlie closed the door.

We stumbled through the rest of the night, and it was everything I could have ever expected and more.

A/N: Sorry this took so long. Ms. Single-forever 19 year-old here has never been on an actual date and didn't know how to properly write them. ~_~

Death Eaters Anonymous: A Charlie Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now