New Home, And Settling In.

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(Emily's POV)

I step into my new home. I look around with amazement. "Woah.." I say aloud. Its much nicer than the orphanage, may I just say that. "Yeah I mean, what else would I do with all this youttubbbe cassshhh." Felix says then does this weird thing with his arms, making an x over his face, I don't understand. I back away from him slightly, now scared.

Marzia chuckles, and leads me upstairs while he has his little moment. "Okay, so this is your room." Marzia says opening my door. I swear my jaw literally hit the floor. There was a queen size bed, with small pillows and one large pillow, I notice that there's an Italian flag pillow, and a Swedish flag pillow and chuckle. Above my bed hung an American flag, and I look at her confused. "How'd you know you'd adopt an American child..?" I ask and she smiles.

"We didn't." She says and I chuckled. I look back into my room, and step in, noticing how fluffy the tan carpet was. There was a computer desk, with a IMac on it, a small laptop on the side. I look up to see a door literally labeled 'Closet' I chuckle, and then around, pulling Marzia in a hug. "Thank you so much!" I say and she chuckles while hugging me back.

"You like it I'm guessing?" She says and I pull away while nodding. "I love it!" I say and she smiles. "Well you get settled in and Felix and I will be downstairs." She says and I nod. I unpack my bag, putting my jewelry box on my computer desk. This all feels so unreal. I smile and open my jewelry box, putting on my locket. I slowly walk downstairs, to see Felix was on the couch, and I could hear Marzia in the kitchen.

"Hey Kiddo, what's up?" He asks looking up from his phone. I shrug, and out of fear, go back upstairs, walking as fast as possible. I don't trust him at all. I don't trust any guys.. After what my Dad and those guys did.. I can't. I won't put myself through that again. Guys are just.. Assholes. I sigh, and lay face down on my bed, rolling over onto my back. "Hey.. Uh Emily?" I hear someone say and look up to see Felix.

"Y..yeah?" I say. It felt as if my throat was closing up from fear. "Can we talk for a minute?" He asks stepping in and I scoot back a bit. Did I do something wrong already? Please tell me he's not gonna hit me.. "Su..sure." I say sitting up straight. "You're not in trouble at all I promise.. I just have a few questions." He says and I nod. "Okay, um.. Did I do something wrong? You seem scared? Of me.. Like you won't talk to me, and seem to avoid me.. Like I know I can be goofy, and weird and sometimes a dick, but I like to think I could be a nice person at times. And as your now, father, I don't want you hating me." He says and I look at my feet.

"I..I don't h..ate you.. I..I just guys.. I don't know.." I say stumbling over my words. I hear him sigh, and then I hear my door close. I look up to see he left, and sigh in relief. I don't hate him, I just don't trust him. I stand up, and go over to my computer, and look at it in amazement. I've never had, nor used a computer. At the orphanage, they said they're too expensive to get. So we never had one. At least for the children to use that is.

"Emily, lunch is ready if you're hungry!" I hear Marzia yell up the stairs after 12 minutes of me playing around with the computer. I stand up, and walk out, carefully walking down the stairs, not wanting to fall. "Where's Felix?" I ask sitting at the table, slowly afraid he'll jump out or something. "He went to his office to record. He'll be back around dinner time." She says and I nod. "Is that where he records his videos for uh.." I say trying to remember the name.

"YouTube, Yeah." She says with a smile. "Ah sorry, I'm not like.. Used to the internet." I say and take a bite of my sandwich. "I'll have to teach you a few things then!" She says happily and I chuckle. "That'd be nice. I was up their 12 minutes trying to figure out what that computer did." I say and she laughs. "I'll help, why didn't you ask Felix? He was up there with you yeah?" She say and I look down.

"I don't like men.." I say. "Why not, Em?" She asks and I sigh. "My father, when I was little, abused me. He would have his friends hit me too, when he went to work. That's why I went into the orphanage. Because my Mum, was too scared to do anything, they both were put in jail. And one guy who adopted me, he tried to rape me, but thankfully a neighbor heard me screaming at him to stay away and the cops got there before he could do anything. Since then, I don't trust men, at all." I say and she frowns.

"I'm sorry to hear That, but I assure you, Felix wouldn't do anything that that. Behind his goofy cover he's a real sweetheart. I promise." She says and I smile. "I'll warm up to him eventually, I'm just cautious. I promised myself no matter what not to get close to any guy to fast, because it usually hurts me in the end." I say and she nods. "Take your time, though you should tell Felix." She says and I sigh. "I will eventually, when the time is right.." I say and she nods. Once we finish lunch, Marzia stands up a smile on her face. "Now let's teach you more about the internet." She says and I smile, and follow her upstairs.

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