The Start...

11 1 0

Y/N(your name)
Y/fc(your favorite colour)
E/c(eye colour)
H/c(hair colour)
C/n( City name)

(Your view)

So it was a cold but warm fall night and I was outside chilling on the front lawn on the grass drawing some sketches that I was doing at the top of my head, and some girls I knew from school were walking past the house saw me and looked at me and Snickered and said what a freak that girl is no wonder why nobody likes her. And when the girls said that,Dad yelled outside for me to go in to eat dinner so I did but when I was getting up the girls(3) ran over to me and pushed me to the ground and started to say rude things to me like "your ugly that's why your mother left you and your Dad" and other rude and mean things and so each time I would try to get up they would kick me down, back to the ground where my drawing book was,I realized it wasn't in my hands so I tried to find it be then I realized one of the girls had it in her hands saying "looking for this little thing" with a smirk on her face, I said yes and tried to grab it from her but each time I tried to get it she would move away so I got mad and yelled at her to give it back or else. She said or else what Y/n it's like your not gonna do anything about it, so she said let's go girls with a smile when she said she that she dropped the book and left with the other 2 girls all laughing at me.And so I went in the house and Dad asked me why did it take you so long? Your dinner is gonna get cold, and so I was eating and Dad asked me how was your day and so I said it was Good,With a fake smile on my face as usual (cause I can't tell my dad I was being bullied at school everyday.... ) Y)n:Hey Dad did someone move next door? Dad:I honestly don't know sweetheart I'll look into it tomorrow when I get back from work ok!?. Y/n: ok well I'm gonna go to bed, I'm really tired. Dad: ok we'll give Dad a hug before you go (hugs and says love you Dad good night) Dad: night sweetheart.

The next day

Dad woke me up today and I got dressed in my Favorite F/c sweater with black writing on it and blue jeans. I ate some breakfast, grabbed my stuff for school and said I love you Dad see you later and left. I was walking on the street past the house I think that someone moved in to and I saw a boy about my age maybe a year or to older( shit sorry I forget to tell you in this story your 16) he wore this white pull over hoodie with black jeans with a backpack going down the driveway, we were gonna meet up at the end it looked like. I said your new in the neighborhood aren't you? He looked at me weirdly and said yea I moved in yesterday I'm new to C/n. My name is Jeffery but most people call me Jeff how about you, what's your name? I said: Oh my name is Y/n and do you go to highschool? Jeff:Yea I'm going to that school called (your schools name) oh really what grade? Jeff: grade 10 how about you? I'm in grade 10 too and I go to the same school want to walk to together! Jeff:yea sure he said with a smile that melted your heart.

At (school name)
What classes do u have Jeff?
Jeff: I have Math in first block, Science in second,Gym in third, and I have cooking in last period.
You: wait really!???!!!
Jeff: says yea really in a confused way and asks why?
You: cause I have all those classes with you!!..
Jeff:wait what really oh my Cupcake!!!!
You: oh my Cupcake?(you say in a confused voice)
Jeff:Yea? I say it instead of Oh my God.
You: oh well that makes sense
(Both of you giggle and look at each other)

(Both of you walk to class together)

(Doing school stuff)

(I will update this story as much as I can I have alot on my mind right now sooooo yeaaas)

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