Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

*Michael pov*

As Lindzee sat across from me, a scowl plastered across her face, I rushed to think of my "one condition". The fact that I couldn't ransom her to her dad for the $5,000 he owes me just pissed me off more. Unless the somehow "magically reunited", there'd be no way. Wait a minute. That's it!

"I'm still going to ransom you to you dad." I informed her.

"But I already told you he-" 

I raised my hand, cutting her off midsentence.

"I am going to fin your dad, and you are going to reunite with him. Earn his trust, make him love the daughter he lost. Then I am going to kidnap you, once again, so that I can ransom you again. Understood?" I smirked.

She chuckled. "And what makes you think I'll do it?"

Shit. I don't have a threat. Wait! Her friends!

"I'll kill your little shaggy haired friend. And don't think I won't. In fact, James! Come in here!" I called for the new recruit. He was terrible.

James hesitantly stepped up beside me. I placed my arm over his shoulder. Casually, as not to frighten him, I drew my gun from the back of my pants and, with one swift movement, shot him in the head. His body fell limp and tumbled to the ground. I looked to Lindzee. A look of horror crossed her face. 

"This is James. He's an old friend of mine," I lied, "I don't even know you or your friends. So trust me when I say I'll kill 'em in a heartbeat." 

She looked at James' dead body then back up to me. She opened her mouth to speak, shaking as the words came out.

"I'll do it. Just please, don't hurt my friends."

I smiled, pleased with the outcome. 

"My driver will take you and your friends back to your houses. They know where to go."

I stood her up and pushed her with the gun, only for effect, of course. She trembled slightly. Down the way some, I placed a sack on her head so she didn't know where she was. I walked her to the van and ushered her into the back. I returned with her friends, one by one into the van. When I finished they were all sitting there silently and awkwardly with potato sacks on their heads. Carefully I untied their hands and stood outside the van. 

"You may remove your sacks. Try anything stupid, I'll shoot you." I said while cocking my gun.

I closed the door and they left. 

**Two Weeks Later** 

*Seth POV*

Zee has been on edge since we were dropped off by those guys. I was told anything by them or Zee. Zee still hasn't told me anything. She's been interested a lot in Texas. She keeps searching different people. I've been at her house a lot, helping her with things she needs, looking things up for her, calling different people in Texas and neighboring states. I remember her saying something about her family in Texas. Maybe her dad. I'm not sure though. I just want her to tell me what's going on so that I can be here to support her and help her. It's hard to calm her down sometimes when I don't know what's going on.

I sat on my bed waiting for Zee to text me with someone else to call, or something to look up. It was 5:07pm when I looked at my phone. I stood up to stretch my legs. I pulled off my t-shirt an walked over to the sliding doors enclosing my closet. Two mirrors covered the doors top to bottom on my closet. I paused and looked at the mirror. Green eyes examined my body. I stood 6 feet tall. My skin was lightly tanned, going well with my beach blonde hair. I worked out enough to have the muscles in my arms and back show through. My shoulders were broad and toned. I personally liked the way I looked. I was me, and that was good enough.

I tossed my shirt into my laundry hamper inside my closet. I slid out of my jeans and dropped them into the hamper as well. Walking over to my dresser, I pulled open the third drawer down and grabbed some basketball shorts and slipped into them. I was tired.

A buzz came from on the bed. I hopped on the bed and read the text. It was from Zee.

-Hey.. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a little vacation with me?-

Quickly, I replied:

-Sure. Where to?-



Heyyyyyyyy guys, Sorry for taking so long to update. Please forgive me.

I am going to try to work on it more often. I'm pretty busy with school and the minor life I have so please don't fret.

I'd love some feedback. Vote? Comment? Maybe even follow? Ha. Yeah. kay.

Well let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading!


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