Too much

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Narrator= 1, Mom=2, Alexa=3, Store owner =4 , Baker= 5, mice=6,

Ch.1= It was Alexa's Birthday, everyone was excited. Alexa woke up that morning with the biggest smile that ever smiled.


Ch.1= Alexa jumped.


Ch.1= And she jumped


Ch.1= Until her mother couldn't take it anymore. She yelled

Ch.2(Annoyed)= Alexa that's too much! Too much! Too much!

Ch.1= Alexa giggled away .


Ch.1= Then it became a chuckle


Ch.1= Then it became a laugh


Ch.1= Until everyone in the house couldn't take it no more.

Ch.2(Pissed)= Alexa that's too much! Too much!

Ch.6(Annoyed)= TOO MUCH.

Ch.6(Annoyed)= TOO MUCH!

Ch.1= Alexa then, chuckling away, joined her mother down stairs.

Ch.2(Sweetly)= Sweety you could have hurt yourself, can you pass the cereal please.

Ch.1= Asked her mother.

Ch.1= Alexa looks, and looks, and looks, and looks.

Ch.3(spiting through her teeth)= I can't find it.

Ch.1= Alexa started to throw things to find it.


Ch.1= And it got louder.


Ch.1= Until things started flying everywhere.

Ch.1= She hit her mother once.

Ch.2(Hurt)= Owww

Ch.1= She hit her twice

Ch.2(Hurt)= Owwww

Ch.1= And a third time.

Ch.2(Hurt)= Owwwwww

Ch.1= Alexa threw things until everyone in the house couldn't take it anymore.

Ch.2(Angry)= Alexa that's TOO MUCH.

Ch.6(Annoyed)= TOO MUCH.

Everyone(On the edge) = TOO MUCH .

Ch.1= Her mother yelled.

Ch.2(worried)= Alexa you could have hurt someone, including yourself, and if you can't find any cereal go buy some at the store please.

Ch.1= So Alexa walked and she walked until it felt like her legs were screaming.


Ch.1= Alexa finally arrived at the store.

Ch.3(nicely)= Can I get some cereal, it's my birthday.

Ch.4(sweetly)= Sure thing sweet ums, what kind of cereal.

Ch.1= So they saw many kinds of cereal.

Ch.4(unsure)= How about this one.

CH.3(annoyed)= Too much colour.

Ch.1= Said Alexa.

Ch.4(worried)= how about this one.

Ch.1= Asked the store owner.

Ch.3(mad)= Too much sugar, too much chocolate.

Ch.1= Alexa, becoming impatient, started throwing things.

Ch.1= She hit the store owner once.

Ch.4(hurt)= owww

Ch.1= She hit him twice.

Ch.4(hurt)= owwww

Ch.1= She hit him a third time.

Ch.4(hurt)= owwwww

Ch.1= She threw things until everyone in the store couldn't take it no more.

Ch.4(mad)= Alexa that's Too Much!

Ch.6(annoyed)= Too Much!

Everyone= TOO MUCH!

Ch.1= Being so frustrated, the store owner kicked Alexa out.

Ch.4(angry)= Alexa you could have hurt someone, including yourself. I'm sorry but you are going to have to leave.

Ch.1= Alexa being still hungry left the store to go to the bakery, muttering along the way.

Ch.3(angry)= mmumm, birthday mmmunumm I like cereal mmmunmun mmunmun

Ch.1= Little did she know the surprise that awaited her.

Ch.2(unsure)= Do you think this is too much chocolate on her cake?

Ch.1= Asked her mother.

Ch.4(unsure)= Are the balloons too much for this party?

Ch.1= Said the store owner with a worried voice.

Ch.5(unsure)= Is the cake too cakey, is there too much pudding?

Ch.1= Muttered under her breath.

Ch.1= While the people were getting ready, the mice were gathering cheese for the party.

Ch.6(unsure)= Does she like swiss or cheddar cheese?

Ch.6(unsure)= Old or new?

Ch.6(unsure)= Too much or too little?

Ch.5(discussed)= There is too many mice in here to be sanitarie.

Ch.1= With the power of hunger Alexa charged in like a bull.

Ch.1= Caught off guard everyone started throwing things.


Ch.1= The mother got hit in the head once.

Ch.2(hurt)= owwwww

Ch.1= The store owner got hit in the back twice

Ch.4(hurt)= owww owwww

Ch.1= And the baker got hit in the face three times.

Ch.5(very hurt)= oww owww owwww

Ch.1= The mice giggled

Ch.6= *hehehehe

Ch.1= Which became a chuckle.

Ch.6= *HeHeHeHe

Ch.1= Then it became a laugh


Ch.1= Alexa, watching all the madness unfold,she had enough she yelled.

Ch.3(on the enge)= That's too much, Too Much, TOO MUCH.

Ch.1= Everyone was shocked by this


Ch.1= Alexa having one of the worst birthdays in the histories of birthdays, walked home.

Ch.3(joyful)= That was surprisingly one of the best birthdays I have ever had.

Ch.1= So it was good, for her anyway.

Ch.1= She laughed all the way home.


Ch.1= Until the mice said.

Ch.6(sassy)= Alexa, that's just too much.

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