Chapter 15

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(Not edited)

"No, no, no! People, first run across the stage, and then start to sing! Not the other way around!"

Lin was stressing out. Anyone could tell.

You could understand it though. Show day can be tough.

Lin pushed his hair back and sighed in frustration. "Again, from the top!"

"Um...Lin...why don't we take a 5?" Alex, the music director, said.

"Fine, just...go," Lin said quietly, waving his hand.

The cast speaks out and you followed Renee and Jasmine to the dressing rooms.

"We have to do something about Lin," Renee said as you sat down.

Jasmine nodded. "_______, please make up with him. He's a nervous wreck."

You sighed. As much as it made you upset to think about it, it was true.

Lin had been stressing over the smallest things in the show. Even if in My Shot, Daveed stood at the left of Anthony and not the right, Lin would flip.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" you asked desperately.

"I don't know," Jasmine sighed. "You had to think of something."

"Everyone! Back to the stage!" you heard Lin call.

Standing up, you and the girls walked out of the dressing rooms, ready for whatever tortures were next.

"Okay!" Alex called, clapping his hand once everyone was there. "Let's review Satisfied one more time! _______, get those timings right!"

"Of course," you say, and quickly get in position.

As Renee begins to sing, a realization hits you across the face. You have to kiss Lin in the scene.

It's just a play. Doesn't mean anything, you think. Right?

Wedding bells play and you feel your face getting hot. Lin stared at you from across the stage, blank expression.

You hear your cue to move forward, and slowly start slipping forward towards Lin.

Play play play play, you repeat in your head over and over as your lips meet.

But you can't help it. It feels nice.

As you and Lin hold hands, his gaze lingers on you for a second to long, and he quickly looks away, embarrassed.

You blush.

The song ends and the cast takes a break.  You finally relax. Then another realization kicks in.

The show is in 3 hours.

Oh no, you panic. You take deep breaths, trying to calm yourself.

You had almost forgotten your state fright until now.

Lin spots you getting worked up.

"Calm down, ________. The first show is always the hardest, but you will do
amazing," he says.

You smile. This is what you love about Lin. He always cares about others.

"Thank you. Now, I have to call Matt quickly!" you remember, and start walking away.

"Break a leg!" you call as you slip away. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a touch of sadness in Lin's face.

You head out the stage and into the large hallway. You pull out your phone and dial Matt's number.

It rings for a second, and he picks up.


"Hey, it's me. I was wondering if you could come down to the theater to help me get ready for the show."

"Oh yeah. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Thanks! Love you!"

"Love you too."

The phone shuts off and you shove it back into your pocket. You pace around the room until you hear footsteps coming down the hall.

"Matt!" you cry as he comes up to you. He kisses your forehead and you drag him through backstage and to the stage.

"So you excited for the show?" you ask.

He shrugs. "I guess."

You raise a eyebrow. "You guess?"

"Yeah. I'm debating about seeing it, but Lin's in it, so I'm thinking no. Sorry babe."

It was as if you had a bomb inside you and it was counting down the seconds until it exploded.

"What?" you say, anger rising.

"Like, I would love to see you, but I will not watch Lin," Matt says.

The bomb exploded.

"THAT IS IT!!" you scream.

Matt jumps back. "Babe, chill."

"Don't call me babe! Don't ever call me babe again! This is over!" you yell.

The other cast members start to look towards you, but you don't care. All the feelings inside of you get to come out, and you don't care one bit.

"First, you make fun of my friend! Then you won't watch my show, Hamilton, the biggest achievement in my life, just because you don't wanna see someone you don't like act in it! THAT'S RIDICULOUS!"

"________, relax. You're just getting yourself worked up," Matt says.

"No. I am done. I gave you a second chance, but you didn't take it well enough. It's over. You can show yourself out," you say quietly, tears stinging your eyes.

You see Lin standing behind Matt, stunned. Matt leaves on shock, and you run up to Lin and hug him tight.

"I'm sorry Lin. For everything," you whisper into his ear.

He chuckles softly. "I forgive you."

Letting go, Lin takes your hand. Mustering up just courage, he asks, "um...will you...will you want...want to be my girlfriend?"

Your heart almost jumps out of your heart with joy. "Yes!"

He pulls you in, and you once again feel his soft lips. You brush a hand through his hair and you smile to yourself.

The past may have been rough, but right now, in the present, everything was perfect.

A/N: Guys, take a deep breath. We did it.

That's it. The whole book. If you have stayed this far, you would like to hug every single one of you, even if you just came here yesterday.

I will do a whole chapter on the ending, but for now, how do you guys like the ending of the story?

Don't worry about Matt. He's not coming back any time soon😏

Tell me, what was your favorite part of the story? To write for me, it was the first chapter.

Well, I wish all you luck in your life, and a ending chapter will be out soon!

Love y'all!


P.S. This chapter was 1012 words long.

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