Ch.7 Blue Blurs?

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I woke up with neck pain and indoors. Kakashi sensei was next to me sleeping. I cringed as I attempted to stand up.

"Lay down. You're gonna hurt yourself." Kakashi sensei sits up gesturing me to lay.

"I'm perfectly fine. You don't need to tell me what to do." I held in the pain as I made my way to the door. I then heard Naruto's voice and immediately went back to bed. "On second thought, some rest wouldn't hurt."

Kakashi sensei chuckled and pulled out his book as I pretended sleep. Naruto and the others came in and greeted him.

"So she hasn't wake? When will she Kakashi sensei!" Sakura's voice asked. I could feel eyes on me and suspected it was Naruto's. I yawned and cursed. Naruto ran over me forcing me to push him off.

"I'm awake you baka!" Sakura, instead of making sure kakshi sensei was ok, she checked me all over.

"You don't seem to injured, you feel ok?" Her eyes showed worry.

I nodded and brought her in for a hug. I suspected that she need it. "lets eat. I'm starving!" I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her downstairs. We encountered a pretty woman, her son, and Tazuna.

"Hi. I'm Tsunami. This is my son Inari." She introduced. I bowed and noticed the boy glaring at me.

"Just give up." He said. I stared at him.

"Why should I? Just because you're a coward and afraid to die?" I snapped back. He looked at me shocked and tears started streaming down his face. I don't make any move to comfort him. Tsunami hugs him and takes up back to him room. Before he dissappears, he says something to me.

"You'll get yourself killed. There is no such thing as heroes." My face flushes with anger and Naruto holds me back by the arm. Tsunami comes back but alone.

"Please forgive my son. HIs father died." Tsunami fights back a tear but goes away.

"Azami," Naruto looks at me. I calm down. "Kakashi sensei says he wants to see us outside." I nodd and follow him out with Sakura still at my side.


"Hello. You will start training." He gets to the point.

"Why?" Sakura had to ask.

"Zabuza is a jounin and a strong enemy. If you even want a chance to stand up to him, you need to get stronger. And that way is climbing these trees." He nodds his head toward three trees.

"Whats the catch?" I asked, my arms crossed.

He gives me a closed eye smile. "Climb it without hands." I hate him sometimes.

"Fine. Give me the kunai." I hold out my hand, and he tosses us each a kunai.

"Use them to mark your progess." 

"Yeah, yeah, just watch blind guy." He seemed to get upset for a moment but quickly gets back to him usual self.

"Ready, go!" I yell and we all gather up our chakra. Once we finish we sprint toward the tree and Naruto's the first to fall. Me and Sakura race each other to the top but I soon lose my footing and fall. I close my eyes and hold out my arms.

I waited for impact but nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Naruto's face. He blushes and I feel myself do the same.

"Oh. I'm sorry!" He puts me down and I stand on my feet.

"Azami! Are you ok?" I hear Sakura call from the top of the tree.

"Yeah! Good job on making it up there!" I yell back and she seems pleased.

"Sakura! Mind coming with me? Its obvious you are extremely good at controlling your chakra and we still have to protect Tazuna."Kakashi calls her. Sakura jumps down and follows.

"Bye!" She waves and leaves. Naruto runs to her and asks her something. I try to hear as much as possible but only see Sakura thinking and finally answering. He smiles and runs back to his tree.

After about 15 minutes of falling on my butt, I get desperate.

"Hey, Naruto!" I walk to him throwing his concentration off.

"AZAMI! I was concentrating! I could have done it, Believe it!" He rants and just roll my eyes.

"What did Sakura tell you?" I say and he just stares at me. 

"Figure that out yourself!" He laughs and smiles. I sigh and just go back to my tree. I start to run up the tree until I see a blue blur past behind it. I was halfway up and felt myself falling.

Not again......

Yay soweeee this was short but Im sooo happy it already has 100+ reads! I feel more obliged to write. I will take longer with updates because of spring break but i will eventually update more!





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