To his appeal

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If you are a victim of domestic abuse please reach out to a friend, family, or a support group. Help is all around you you are not alone. Things will only get worse if you stay. 

                                                                      --Samuel Williams

To every his own man,

Seldom would he say "we are equals" and "we shall share God's bread"

But he is god already.

He rules with an iron fist and breadcrumbs between his fingertips.

He says "I am sorry for being god"

And I accept...for god is beautiful.

He feeds me the breadcrumbs,

And I say "what allows this kindness,"

"I am a jealous god, but benign."

He beats me for worshiping false idols,

He makes me crawl on my knees,

Kiss his feet,

Tell him "god is good."

And begs me for blood.

I sacrifice to him a goat, a deer and a buck,

But he questions my faith,

And frightens me into more.

I beg him to live, to breath, to be a protagonist to my own plot,

But he says that I must follow his bible,

And my plot is his 6 commandments...6 commandments for being a woman

"Follow thy god, question not they god, worship thy god,

Serve they god, create for thy god, be a lesser god."

I created for him,

"Two pups and a bitch" he would say.

He made them worship him,

He begged them for blood.

Two goats, two deer and a buck to our god

He begged them for more blood.

He begged them for the skin of their faces,

Their swollen lips became my breast, 

And my bosom what their resting place. 

Their cries for help became my holy war.

My three trinities almost were almost a duet. 

I lost faith in this god.

And hell hath no fury than a woman without god.

I ran from god.

But he was omniscient, and all knowing,

He built a church and said worship me there.

But hell hath no fury than a woman without god.

He kept asking for blood.

And I kept giving

And I gave

And I gave

And I gave

Until my trinity would lose me.

In god I trust. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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