Rage isn't the only emotion Ragewolf can feel.

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Ravenous was the first dark hero to step foot into the castle. It's mighty walls stood sentinel soaring into the sky as the slate-grey bricks sit a top each other making the huge structure very sturdy. Scattered across the brickwork were slots where jet black cannons peek out to get a glimpse of sunlight and keep an eye out for any danger. The raven scouted around the castles bottom floor in search for the storage room where all his rare items were left by the bonedeth crew assigned the task to keep them safe and escort them to Mjollnir castle. There was a quiet creak as a wooden door crept open, Ravenous peered round the doorway and observed the room before quickly realizing that all his equipment was here. He jilted his head as he noticed Naughtyfins sat beside a chest swinging her feet as she sat staring at Ravenous. "Hands off" he spoke with a slightly annoyed tone. "Oh come on darling you don't even use it, I'll keep it safe though don't you worry about that ❤." Ravenous gave a sigh and rolled his eyes at Naughtyfins. The mermaid dropped down from the ledge and passed Ravenous an iron chest before leaving the room. Ravenous opened up the chest and pulled out a critical greatsword, the huge silver blade shone by the candle light and Ravenous saw that it was inscribed with the letter Po.

Naughtyfins skipped down a long dark grey corridor, the lanterns around only slightly lighting up the passage but still helping the beautiful sunlight shine into the shadowy castle. Naughtyfins held tightly to her newly acquired Poseidon's Trident as well as her trusty ice pike. Ragewolf watched as she left the castle door and he began to stalk a few metres behind her to see what she was up to. Naughtyfins stepped outside and smiled as the glimmering sunlight reflected off her ice pike creating a radiant glow around her. She turned right and saw something leaning against one of the castle walls. The creature began to approach her and smile. Ragewolf crept out the door and lurked in the shadows to observe.

Naughtyfins blushed slightly and began to sway her body in the usual motion. "So you're a Wooyari ❤." She spoke with a gentle and soft voice "just my type ❤." Nova laughed a little and smiled at the mermaid. Naughtyfins stepped closer to Nova and admires his weapon. "Wow is that Goldora, it is so beautiful ❤." Nova replied "yeah, it is almost as beautiful as..." "OH PLEASE STOP, CAN YOU NOT HANDLE CLOSE QUARTER COMBAT!" A rage filled voice echoed from metres away. Nova readied his pike as Ragewolf charged into him. Flaming claws scratch at glorious golden steel. Ragewolf's claws began to burst into flame as he parried and pummeled Nova. The hero managed to dive backwards and roll before blocking Ragewolfs next attack. Wooyari gripped Goldora with both hands and began to spin it as fast as he could, he charged forward and battered Ragewolf, the pike was spinning at such a velocity that it set alight and was engulfed in fire. One blow to the face and Ragewolf was covered in flames, he began to frantically sprint around whilst occasionally rolling on the floor. Naughtyfins giggled "Boys you don't have to fight over me ❤." Nova stood still for a few seconds and slightly raised his eyebrow at this statement however he then proceeded to strike at Ragewolf with his pike.

"Enough." Shouted Sonarchy, a volley of sound waves hit both Nova and Ragewolf which shunted them to the floor. "I know that we are enemies and all but do we have to act like barbarians every time we meet, I mean come on even us dark heroes need a rest every so often." Ragewolf rolled his eyes at Sonarchy and shot a gaze of pure despise towards Nova. The Wooyari glared back at Ragewolf as Sonarchy stood there looking real smug about stopping the fight. Ragewolf and Sonarchy decided to just leave and go back into the castle but Naughtyfins slowly walked over to Nova, dancing with her pike she aimed it towards Nova. "Grab on, I'll help you up ❤." Nova held onto Goldora with one hand and the freezing cold metal of Naughtyfins' pike. The mermaid lifted Nova up and blew a kiss towards him as she flung him into the distance, Nova shouted in confusion as he crashed into some trees South of Mjollnir castle. Naughtyfins giggled to herself and spoke "this is fun ❤."

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