Chapter 1

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Please bare with me on this story I have never written a fanfic before.
Also please let me know if there are any grammar mistakes and I will try to fix them.

Ginny's POV

The battle was over. Voldemort was dead. The muggle-borns could come out of hiding. But even though the war was over there was still  pain, pain because people had lost their loved ones  because my family had lost It hurts so much to say his name. Even though my parents had lost a son and my brothers and I had lost a brother, George had lost a twin.

I decided to go to the quidditch pitch to get away from the chaos of the battle and the reporters. When I got there it was empty, just as l was hoping for. I sighed in relief, I could grieve in peace. I laid down in the middle of the pitch and stared up at clouds thinking of Fred. I knew he wouldn't want us to grieve about him but I just couldn't help it, I missed him so much.


Harry's POV

      I did it. I defeated Voldemort. People were free, they could go and live their lives freely. Except, for the people who had lost loved ones. They were in pain and it was all my fault. The Weasley's  had lost a family member all because I didn't stop the war sooner, they probably hated me and didn't  want anything to do with me.

    Hermione came up to me and asked if I knew where Ron was.

"Sorry I don't but I bet he is with his family " I say to her.

"Thanks, you know you should probably get some rest" Hermione says to me.

"I'm not tired" I respond.

"Well then go find Ginny" she says.

"All of the Weasleys hate me because of what happened to Fred" I said as I hung my head because I loved Ginny with all my heart and I had hoped to spend my life with her when the war ended but now that wouldn't be possible.

" That is the craziest thing I have ever heard out of your mouth Harry Potter, if anything the Weasleys would be happy that you stopped the war before it got even more out of hand. now get out there and go find Ginny because she needs  you right now" Hermione snapped. 

I didn't want to listen to her but she was always right. I decided to wait to find Ginny though so I decided to go to the quidditch pitch to clear my head and get away from the reporters.


Ginny's POV ______________________________________

As I was staring up at the clouds I felt myself start to drift off to sleep, as I let sleep take over my body I wondered how Harry was doing. When I was sleeping I had a dream about Harry and some other girl who's face I couldn't see, they were walking down the beach side holding hands being all lovey dovey, it made me feel terrible thinking of Harry with another girl but now that he was the boy that defeated Voldemort  he wouldn't want a poor girl like me when he could have any girl he wants. I woke up with tears streaming down my face and I heard foot steps behind me so I wiped the tears the tears of my cheeks because I didn't want anyone to see me crying. My thoughts were running through my brain wondering who would even come to the quidditch pitch after the battle. But who loves quidditch more than anything, I thought. Harry! so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep because I didn't want to have to deal with having to look at him and have my emotions come rushing back and start crying again.

Harry's POV ________________________________________
As I was walking towards the pitch I heard crying coming from the direction I was heading in I wondered who would be all alone on the quidditch pitch crying, so, I decided to go and see if I could comfort them.When I got to the pitch I couldn't hear crying anymore so I took that as a good sign. When I got there I could see vibrant, flaming red hair and I instantly knew it was Ginny.Even though I thought I would wait to talk to her, she was just laying there looking so lifeless. so I ran over to her and kneeled down beside her.

"Ginny!, Ginny!" I shouted as I shook her shoulders.

She opened her eyes and I sighed in relief. "You were just laying there l and you looked so lifeless, I thought you were dead" I said to her as I, pulled her into a giant hug.

" No I was just taking a nap" She said not looking me in the eyes.

"I am so sorry for waking you up, how about we go up to the Gryffindor common room " I say to her.

"No I'm good, how about we just stay here, that is, if you even want to be with me." She responds.

"Ginny how could I not want to be with you when we were fighting all I could think about was you and if you were safe.

" I love you Ginny , I wouldn't be able to live without you." I say softly " but if you don't feel the same way I understand" I say to her as I hang my head.
Ginny's POV
     When Harry said he loved me and he wanted to be with me I felt all warm and fuzzy inside,I got so happy because I thought that he would never want to be with me after the war.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said" I love you too you git, how could I not love you, I have loved you since I first saw you. Do you not remember?" I told him.

" Yeah I knew you felt that way but I mean I didn't know what happened when I was gone ,I thought maybe you had found somebody else while I was gone" he said to me sadly.

I felt so bad that he thought that way "I could never replace you Harry,I love you."
  OK so that's the first chapter please please please let me know if there is anything I could fix and if you want a longer chapter also if you have any ideas please let me know
  OK bye my little Potter heads!!!

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