Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Breanna, but you can call me Bre for short. My best friend Gena and I go to a high school where everything is ran by three girls. They call themselves the beauty, the bitch, and the brains. We're all seniors this year and they have all took their games to the next level.

Of course they all have boyfriends who are captains. The beauty, Brandi, is dating the football captain, Brock. The bitch, Brenda, is dating the field hockey captain, Brad. And the brains, Brittany, is dating the soccer captain, Brody.

It's actually ironic how everything has turned out for them so far. Aren't they just special. Ha, sure, if you want to call it that.

See these past couple of years, since we all started high school, starting at the very first day of our freshman year. They all three started to play a game with everyone in high school and each year no one has been able to beat them, but of course we are tired of their tatics and their banter.

Gena and I are officially going after them this year, instead of the other way around. What do we have to loose, right. Of course I mean it's just senior year. We will be gone and out of this hell hole of a school and off to college in no time. Then we will finally be able to start over.

Every single year they win at their own games, not this year though. This year we are going to beat them and they have no clue.

We have a week before the first day of our senior year and as we get our plans ready we hear my mom call for us, letting us know that lunch is ready.

We've been talking and planning this all summer long. We have tried to anticipate their every move and hopefully we are ready and prepared enough for the worse that they can give us.

As we go down stairs, to the kitchen to eat lunch with my mom, I stop dead in my tracks. There sitting at the kitchen table talking to my mother is non other than Brad, Brenda the bitch's boyfriend. I realize that the games have officially begun. Obviously they just couldn't wait.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I ask her hesitantly.

"Oh honey, there you are. Brad just stopped by to talk to you. He knocked on the door as soon as I called you both down for lunch." She says with a smile.

As I turn my attention to Brad, I see that he has a smirk on his face. Like he has something up his sleeve, but as soon as he sees me looking at him it disappears and he stands up.

"Bre could we talk outside perhaps, where it's a little bit more private?" He questions me.

I eye him with suspicion, but reluctantly know my head yes as I say, "I suppose we could, follow me." As I take him outside to my backyard.

As I hear him close the glass door I immediately turn around and ask, "Why are you here? Did Brenda or all of the B's send you? You know I'm tired of this crap, so just say what it is that you need to and leave."

He looks like he's taken off guard. Maybe he's not use to someone telling him what to do other than his girlfriend. I particularly don't care really.

"Bre, look I'm sorry if I have upset you by coming here. I'm not here, because of them. I'm here, because I like you and I care about you. I wanted to ask you out on a date. I've seen you at a lot of my games during the seasons and I notice you in the hallways walking past me at school. I've tried to say hi, but...." He trails off looking towards the ground.

"No, your with Brenda, they have you starting the game with me. What the hell. Your lying, I'm not stupid, now get out and don't ever come back to my house again." I yell at him as I rush back into the house, running up to my room not looking at my mom or Gena.

I heard a muffled yell from my mother, but didn't stop to listen. I couldn't right now. They had started war and I was going to finish it one way or another.

I wasn't going to set here like some naïve little heartbroken girl. Hell no, I'm going to fight back harder than they have ever seen anyone fight back.

I hear Gena's foot steps as she walks into my room, "You ok Bre? The look on Brad's face was priceless by the way. He did tell me to give you this note before he left. Do you want me to open it?"

"I'm fine G, I'm just pissed off right now. They started their game and he wants to act like they didn't put him up to this. I hate boys they are so immature." I say not even thinking twice about the note.

Gena flings in on the bed and says, "Ok, but promise me that this year we get through this together and beat their asses."

"I promise G, we are going to win this time and they are going to regret ever trying to mess with us this year." I say with a smile.

Gena smiles back at me, with an evil smirk. I know she can't wait to get this year done and over with. She's not the type of girl that likes conflicts and I had to convince her to do this with me.

I do know that she is wiling and ready to do what is needed for us to get through this year.

"I can't wait to see their faces at the end of the year when we do finally beat them." She says knodding her head in agreement with me.

"G we got this and I am very thankful to have you on my side. I know your not the type for conflict, but I also know you have some very good tricks up your selvees."

"And that's is where I am thankful to have my annoying older brothers, that love to play every trick in the book on me." She says as we both burst out laughing.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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