I) Us Against The World

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I am a question to the world/ Not an answer to be heard/ Or a moment that's held in your arms.

Pots and pans clattered against the wood flooring of their house, waking Liam with a start. The bedroom oil lamp was casting a soft glow on the walls, meaning it wasn’t even far into the night. Liam lazily rubbed his eyes and swung his feet over the side of the bed, letting them cringe as they touched the cold floor.

“Liam?” A sleep riddled voice whimpered from the other side of the small room. Liam shuffled over to the adjacent bed and sat at the edge, stroking his brother’s black hair gently.

“Go back to bed Killy,” he whispered to the little boy, “All is well, go back to bed.”

The little boy blinked bright blue eyes at Liam before letting them flutter close, and drawled out a nod.

Liam sat at his brother’s side, stroking his hair and waiting for him to fall asleep. Though it proved to be harder than expected because every time a glass shattered, or a pan clattered, Killian would flinch and move closer to Liam who never moved from his little brother’s side, listening to the indistinct shouting from down stairs. 

Liam watched as Killian’s chest slowed to a gentle rise and fall, then he slowly slipped away from the young boy towards their door. He slowly nudged it open without a creak and noiselessly walked along the wall to the stairs, quietly and quickly dropping to his knees when he reached the top of the stairs, hiding behind the thick wood railing. Fear bubbled in his little heart and rose into his throat at the scene.

His mother was standing next to the wooden dinning table, a nearby oil lamp shone on her face revealing her blue eyes swirling with anger and tears, with her curly hair, brown as chocolate draped around her face, making her look much more pale than she already was. There were glass cups and bowls shattered at the feet of his mother and father, while pans were in various places across the room.

“It’s not safe for the boys, Edward!” His mother shouted, slamming her hand into the table.

“Juliet, this is about more than just the boys isn’t it,” His father said, his tone eerily still and calm, “You’re afraid I’m going to leave. Aren’t you?”

“By-the-gods, Edward! I know you’re going to leave!” Juliet barked, moving a stray strand of black hair from her face, and started speaking again, her voice desperate this time, “Your friends, are going to steal you away! I’m sure of it.”

“And what makes you so sure about that?” Edward asked, casually rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was leaning against the wall parallel to Juliet, his height casting a shadow comparable of that to a giant in Liam’s eyes. He had his favorite pipe drooping from his lip with his arms crossed and a glaze over his wood brown eyes as he stared at Juliet. A knot formed in Liam’s chest at his father’s coldness.

“Because, Edward, they’re pirates!” She shouted, frustration now taking over the place of desperation.

“What the bloody hell has that got to do with anything?” Edward growled, making shiver go down Liam’s spine.

“It’s of importance because you have sons,” Juliet hissed, “You have sons who need you more than me.”

“Where are you getting this foolish thoughts of me abandoning my family-“

“From you!” Juliet barked, interrupting him, “I overheard you conspiring with Benjamin about a Spanish ship and the loot you guys could leave with.”

“And yet-“

“And you were set to leave tomorrow morning, before the sun rose,” Juliet said lowly, “It’s true, isn’t it.” A lump formed in Liam’s throat, and he tightened his grip around the railing, anger swelled inside of him at the thought of his father leaving without a proper goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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