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-Ariana POV-

" i'm so happy ! we can go to France whenever we want ! aaa " screamed Demi

" oh yeah Demi ! i really want to see France's view ! "Selena said

" and i really want to go to eiffel tower omg ! " Taylor dreamed " i go to there with Liam. " she do long sigh

" guys, guys, i know. i'm happy too " i said smiling

" yeah of course. by the way, it's getting late. i would go to my home. bye girls ! " Eleanor said

" BYE ! i go too. bye girls ! "Demi said and running trough the door

" me three. bye ! " Taylor gone too

" Ariana ? " Selena asked me.

" oh, yeah.. bye Selena " i walk trough the door and come to my room. but, in my room i met a boy thet i just hate

" Ari.. " called him

" save it " i quickly said

" Ari.. please forgive me.. i know i do the worse thing. i regret it. i'm sorry " apologized him

" what ?! you just regret it now ? who do you think you are Kevin ! you just almost make my friendship with Selena broke ! " tears streaming down my face

" i know Ari ! i do the worse thing, yeah i know. i know i'm wrong, i knew i'm a stupid boy ! yeah i know it ! " he screamed and theres a tears on the corner of his eyes " then forgave me please " he weakly said

" Kevin.. it just.. why ? why did you do that ? its.. it's making me sad.. your like a different boy that i knew. you didn't like Kevin that i know from last week. why ? did you just love another girl ? " i looked at the floor. he came to me and grab my shouldier

" first, i just. there's something inside me, saying i just have to do that. i try to hold that. but, i cant. now, i'm aware from my mistake. all of my mistake to you. i just want you to forgave me.. i want you to come back to me.. " he gently said.

" Kevin.. it just. my heart felt so heavy to forgave you and- "

" please Ariana.. please. just please. i begged you. please forgive me.. tommorow i would fly back to Florida. if you didn't forgave me.. there's something missing, and my heart feel so blank. Ari.. "Kevin begged. i looked at his face then kiss him. he shocked at first then kiss back

" i kiss you, didn't mean i fully loved you. but, i loved you just as friend or bestfriend " i smiled. then he hugged me

" so, you forgave me ? " he asked

" i am " .

A/N the end of the new chappie! hope you like it ! 3+comments for new chappie please ?? i need your opinion !

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