Chapter 1

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1. Fill a pool with dry ice

2. Live in another country for six months

3. Eat a crazy food from another country

4. survive in the wild for a week 

5. Hike Machu Picchu 

6. Crash a wedding

7. Eat a snail

8. Adopt an animal

9. No electronics for 24 hours

10. Go on a roadtrip with no destination

11. visit Greece

12. Shoot a gun

13. Own a fish

14. Go ice fishing

15. visit Japan

16. Eat a surprise meal

17. Kiss a stranger

18. Go to a bar with no intention of meeting anyone

19. Go stargazing in the middle of nowhere

20. Go on a vacation with a stranger

This was just a fraction of the list Clarke made. and she intended to finish every single one. She had a plan to finish the list within the next four years. 


Authors note.

I am so excited to start writing this book, but i want you guys to stop for just a minute read the list again and do something off of that list. I know that some of them are a little bit crazy, but its good to break out of your comfort zone. If some of these are "too big" for you. Come up with your own crazy bucket list thing and do it. TODAY!

This book is to inspire adventure and creativity so don't be afraid to do something fun.

(discretion is advised)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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