Game Day

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Although im pretty sure you guys were here for the story not me...

Oh well onto the show I mean story 


"Another day Im back at school I think about him..." Marinette groaned when she heard her alarm go off.   It was 6:50 am and she knew as much as she wanted to... she couldn't go back to sleep. Because today was gonna be a long day for them. The girls, boys, and coaches were to be at the airport by 7:40 the latest so they could catch a flight to Cannes (another city in Paris) and play in their Play off  games.

Mari chuckled hearing Alix's groan in the next room over and looked over to see Alya pushing back the covers of her Lady Wifi duvet that she got as a gift from Rose. "Morning Mari!" She said excitedly

"Morning Al's!" she replied knowing that she needed to get up

Mari pushed herself into a sitting position and pushed back the blankets of her Ladybug blanket. Putting her bare chilled feet on to the hard wood floor she could here their mother downstairs cooking breakfast and a snack for the plane ride. 

"I'll get our packs ready if you want to take a shower first." Marinette offered 

Alya smiled and spoke bending over looking for her new soap that Rose bought her.

"Thanks MarMar. Hey do you know where my new..?" Alya watched as Marinette pointed to a desk in the far corner covered in various nail polishes and one lavender soap. 

Alya said nothing and ran over grabbing her soap and then nodding her head in thanks. Marinette chuckled at her forgetful friend and grabbed two backpacks from the back of their shared closet.

 One bright orange backpack and one bright pink backpack, Mari grabbed their chargers,keys,passports,sweats,elastics and ribbons, and then she grabbed Alya's portable charger and her camera and then her sketchbook and a pack of colored pencils.

 She also grabbed their headphones and she then zipped up their bags.

Alya soon came out the bathroom steam following her, and then Marinette went in.

Across the hall Alya could hear Alix and Mylenne getting dressed and Rose in the shower. You may wonder how she can tell. Alix gets pissed when she has to wake up early and she usually starts cussing which usually leads to Mylenne waking up and getting dressed. Rose normally gets up early and Juleka has an inner body clock, but also really good ears so yeah. 

Alya's pov

Plus I know Rose is in the shower because she is singing a song from a children's show she watches. 

I grabbed Mari's clothes and laid them out on her bed for her and grabbed her own and started dressing.

"Today's outfit will be a pair of ripped dark blue jeans and a- " a knock came at my door and I walked towards it. I wonder who that could be.


That's all for right now let me know if you enjoyed this.

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