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Chappie 6


"Bonnible! BONNI! BONNI!" Marceline desprately shouted, getting louder and breaking something bigger every word. "Responsibility This! HAG!" She continued to trash the treehouse, venting her stress with every broken chair.

"Why'd you have to be so unfair!!" she continued screaming as loud as she could, floating 2 feet from the ground, knowing that she's more than far from anyone to be overheard.

"WHAT ABOUT ME!!!! WHAT ABOUT MARCIE-FREAKING-LINE!!!" she couldn't take it anymore, her anger overflowing. Half the treehouse was wrecked, the videogame was nowhere to be found, all the pressure building up in her head due to rejection was finally taking its toll.

"BONNIE!!!!", her breaths were finally running out

"Bonnie!" she started to loose the will to shout

"I..." she began to slowly levitate downwards

"I...." she whispered while lying on the ground, her teary sorrow cradling her to sleep.

"I.. love you....."


"Princess!!!" shouted the slightly younger Pepermint Butler gleefully. Princess Bubblegum just got home from a long sad walk from the treehouse.

"I'm so glad you made it home! You we're missing! I nearly sent an entire fleet of Bannana guards to go and get you"

"Oh..." The princess was not at all in the mood to talk. "I apologise, I..."


"I, um.. had some errands..."

"Princess! how could you possibly have some errands! Just look at your schedule! The annual Ball is nearly at service, you've got an appointment at the daycare, cinnamon's...."

The princess was not AT ALL in the mood

"fujordes were faulty, the science.." Pepermint continued to rant with his very annoying high pitched voice

The princess could't handle another word from the servant, her day started pretty roughly and her mind was all over the place. Thinking about her duties, thinking about the people, thinking about Marcy... She needed to get to her room, before she ex-"


"Prin-cess-!", the butler was shocked


The princess, after realizing what she did, calmed herself down, and after a long pause and a deep breath, continued.

"Apologies peppermint, I am not in the right mindtoday, so please I would like to remain in my chambers and be left alone for the rest of the day. So please cancel all my appointments for the day. I'm really sorry." At that she walked past her servant and made her way up to her, thightky locked, room.


Marceline finally woke up, it was the middle of the day. She was not happy, not at all. Vampires and daylight don't exactly agree with each other, so a vampire awake between the hours off 6 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon is usually cranky, and that, plus the added stress, made Marceline quite a Cranky Vamp.

"Bonnie?" The first thing she looked for, the thing she always found lying next to her.

"Bonnie...?" She's not there...

"BONNIE!!!!!" Once again Marceline is rampant.





*Sigh....* "What have I done...?" The Princess asked her self

She remained in her room for the rest of the day, and the rest of the night. Sitting in her bed, sulking in tears. She did not know what was to happen tommorow, and at the moment she didn't care, she hated herself, she cursed at herself, she wanted, needed, Marcelline. But she made what she belived was the right choice.

But was it?


Why can't the world just be fair!!!!

Hello once again, I'm back, I got into this again, YAY and I'll do a story a day now, cause its so easy to write! Im sorry to keep alot of you waiting, to be honest, I gave up on this. UNTIL NOW, Im not planning to end this story So ill keep it going as much as I can. and when its complete (whenever that may be) I'll comple and rewrite this into one big story with a better quality of manuscript.

Please show support so I can really continue this.

Feedback very much appreciated!!

Thanks alot,


I'm just your problem {a *Girl x Girl* Adventure Time fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now