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"Your little brother have been rewarded at his written work, you might as well take a look." The teacher said, he fumbled through this small case of files and paper, then pulled out a sheet of words written neatly on a squared paper.
I cried, hot tears streamed down my face, whimpering I wiped off the wet spots I have made on my brothers work.

There once was a noodle shop, it has a blue torn quilt sewed on it's front, small metal tables were set out at the front like water lilies in the pond.
There once was a family, they live at the far side in a small broken house under the mountains great feet, they are poor but warm and peaceful, a mother and two brothers.
Everyday, in the noodle shop, costumers will crowd, they have quite a good time doing their job, every morning there will be hot steams of freshly made noodles twirling and swirling in the wind.
Every day at February on the 23th day, the family will arrive at the noodle shop, each time, they will sit at the single table beside the wall and eat their bowl of noodle. Every time, they won't change, they order the same veggie mushroom soup with less salt and flavouring, they don't like the lives to be to complicated---multi flavoured--- only wanting it to be simple and together. The mother and two brothers each time will thank the waitress, then begin eating their only bowl of hot warm bowl of happiness, their only bowl of actual meal and warmth.

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