I miss you

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To- DerBear

Hey Derek.

From- DerBear

What the hell do you want Stiles?

To- DerBear

I know we're over but I wanted to tell you I was wrong and I miss you. I need you back with me. I need you Derek.

From- DerBear

Stiles, I thought you were over me. You don't need me, you have Scott, your dad and the rest of the pack. I'm sorry Stiles but I'm done talking.

To- DerBear

Derek please. Scott ditched me for another boy, he won't even look my way. My dad keeps working and when he comes home he's drinking. The pack left me because of what I did to Allison and Aiden. Derek the nightmares are back and I haven't slept in a week. Please just for one night can you come to my house.

To- DerBear

Derek? Are you still there?

From- DerBear

I'm on my way Stiles. How bad have the nightmares been?

To- DerBear

Getting worse everyday. There about me being left behind. You all grow to have successful jobs and happy families. I die, cold and alone in an ally way outside of your apartment.

From- DerBear

I'm almost there Stiles. And I'd never leave you behind like that. I don't want to get married to anyone that isn't you. You're my beautiful mate. I love you so much Stiles.


I love you too. (PS. I will totally say yes to your proposal)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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