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//Shownu's POV\\ I awoke when I felt my phone vibrating under my side and I slowly leaned over so I wouldn'y wake Kihyun up and pulled it out from under me. When I looked at my phone I furrowed my brows at the 'Unknown caller' then tapped the answer button"Hello?" I whispered hoping not to wake him up."Meet me a this coffee shop,It's about the letters." the strange man told me the location then hung up on me and I quickly put it in my phone so I wouldn't forget. As I was slowly crawling out from under my lovers arms I bumped my arm on the wall which caused his eyes to flutter open and I tried to lay back down and succeeded in it.I watched his eyes slowly close and he took a deep breath before drifting back to sleep. I waited a few minutes to make sure he was asleep and was satisfied when I heard very faint snores. I got out of the bed and kissed his forehead before going to change my clothes. I arrived at a small coffee shop and started to look around for the mystery guy. As I was searching I spotting Mark Tuan sitting in a booth alone staring out the window occasionally looking at his phone like he was expecting someone who was late. I decided to go join him until my mystery caller shows up,as I sat down in the booth across from him I smiled as he looked at me and honestly he looks like he's about to lose whatever he ate."Hey,I saw you and I thought I'd sit her while I wait for someone." He continued to look at me uneasily and I scooted more towards the window out of his way incase he does lose his food."I've been waiting for you." He finally spoke up and It confused me'I've been waiting for you...?' What was that supposed to mean? "What do you mean waiting for me?" he held out a red envelope with the same exact hand writing as what was on the ones I have received. 'That's why the voice on the phone was so familiar' "Wh-why do you have that?" "Shownu can't you get it for once...I've tried to get you away from Kihyun so I could have you to myself." I wanted to say so many things but the words wouldn't come out no matter how many times I opened it and tried."I'm sorry I had no choice.. I've liked you for so long and it kills me to see you with him and know WE could never be a thing." "I felt the tears form in my eyes and a lump in the back of my throat. I didn't say anything for a moment until I stood up to leave."I can't believe you would do something like that! You have no idea how much pain it has caused almost everyone. I'm very disappointed in you and right now I question our friendship."I turned away and walked out the door before he could say anything else and as I started to walk away from the shop the tears came rushing from my eyes and my vision got blurry. I managed to make my way to the house and stumbled why making my way up the steps and pushed past all of the guys who tried to get my attention including Kihyun to get to my room. 'Kihyun I'm sorry,Please don't be mad at me.' I slid my shoes off and crawled into bed and laid there curled up into a ball and cried my eyes out until I couldn't cry anymore. "GAAAAH!" I cried out not caring who heard anymore I was just tired of it all and wanted it to end. Who can I trust anymore? it's like everyone is slowly turning into bad guys while I'm sitting in a dark corner holding onto whatever hope I have left. Soon after I cried out the door flies open and 6 worried men come piling into my room with worried expressions and I just looked at them and ended up crying again. I felt tiny arms around me and I couldn't stop crying enough to get a word out to tell them exactly what happened until it was well after 2:35AM "And I got so mad at mark I have no idea what our friendship is anymore." the guys frowned while Kihyun rubbed my back and hummed songs in my ear trying to calm me down.I ended up falling asleep soon after that because it was kinda soothing. I woke up to find everyone passed out on the floor and it made me smile before I ended up falling asleep once again.

(GUESS WHO'S BACK HECK YEAH! Lol I missed you all hope you enjoy and don't kill me for this. Love you  ❤️)

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