Meetin the Unknown (Niall love story)

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So after we cleaned up the game and put it away we sat there and talked about the band and everything like that. Then I remembered that right before I came her for the weekend there was a new kid a school and her name was Zoe which she was a good friend of mine so maybe she would like to come and meet the boys wait she would love that.

I looked and Niall then at Louis and said can I text my friend so she can come meet you guys she's really awesome I said. "yea we don't care" Niall said laughing a little. Okay I said excitedly and I got on my phone and text Zoe and said hey Zoe would you like to come and visit me and you can see the boys of one direction.

Then two seconds later I got a text saying "yes I'll be there in 45 minutes if that's okay and how do you know one direction?" she said. I texted back and said well Liam is my cousin and I'm dating Niall. Then I got a text from Zoe saying "oh my gosh, your amazing". I replied and said thanks you are too. then she said "well I'll be there in ten minutes". Okay I said with a big smile on my face.

Meeting the Unknown (Niall love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant