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The speeding cab stopped with a screech on the concrete-tar daunted road making me wake up from my short nap as we travelled from the station to the address given to the driver by my father. Yes, I'm ALICE and THIS IS MY STORY.

I gazed at the 30 storey apartment hazed with golden beams and coloured in brown , the windows silted at the edges making it look older than it already was . Vines of climbers and twines of creepers from the rooftop had already cracked the walls of bricks making it vulnerable and weak just like my heart. The green beige of curls had somehow entrapped the brownish red bricks and seemingly holding it in place. Hearing the opening of the cab door as my father got out and ran behind to the back compartment of the cab to get the luggage ,I was forced to come out of my day dream. The days never left longer as the sun dipped on right into what seemed like a patch of vast greenery a park for people of all ages and an attraction of the city amusingly named 'THE DARK MEADOWS'. I stared at the sign gazing at the weird name as I got myself out of the cab and shut the door behind me. My unnaturally hereditary streaks of gold I had in my dark brown hairs just like my father were cutting off my view. Stroking them off I rushed to help my father with a bag of my books as he seemed to struggle with it. Feeling unusually confident and sensing blood rushing to my muscles and getting reduced to the skin and visceral organs which I guessed was an adrenaline rush which occurs to me whenever there was a strenuous physical work done by me. Calling this strenuous would be an overstatement , but it applies to me as it was the outcome of paying less , more like, no attention to the P.E. classes. This hugely contradicts the fact that I am an action freak and have an enormous collection of action moves loaded in my database of my little brain which barely weighs about 1.35 kg . Thinking about action is mow increasing my blood pressure , not that I have any BP problems but just a feeling. My cellular respiration increased initiated by the release of the pyruvic acid in the cytoplasm accompanied by the breakdown of glucose which I had been saving during my nap. The alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas released glucagon which reconverted the glycogen to glucose and supplied it to my blood when there was a drop in glucose level in my blood. The crescent of my nails undergoing the phases of cell division as they have turned more white.

The weight on my hands increased as I felt another bag being handed over to me. Remembering my physics class I cursed at those words saying' no work is done, when direction of force applied is at right angles to direction of displacement. Example: carrying your school bag' . Thinking what was wrong with Newton's brain that he could not see the effort I put into carrying these bags, seriously! My feet felt warm when I accidently stepped into a puddle of clear water scarped in the concrete floor .The water still being warm I guessed the night would be warm when every gram of water would lose 4.2 J of heat with 1 degree decrease in temperature to the atmosphere. Such a science freak I am, duh!!! I smelled something which felt like acetic acid ( CH3COOH ) in the air and saw a noodle shop owner pouring vinegar and cracking some eggs in a bunch of golden brown noodles. My mouth watered as a result of conditioned reflex cause I have ate it a trillions of times cause dad were a bad cook and I could cook some real food only until when I was 14. Coming out of my never ending La La land I asked my father still filling my lungs with the scent of noodles though my tongue tasted it and nose helped with the olfactory senses "What is the flat number???" in a polite and whispering voice. He replied while turning around after paying the cab driver " 1106 ". Hmmm......It sounded intriguing . Heading towards the elevator doors I could identify the screeching sound made by the aluminium coated wires on the grooves of the pulley. Pressing the button on the silt tiled wall on my right I turned towards my dad as he took the keys and submitted the paperwork in the office room. I asked him" what are we having for dinner today?" it was late and we had no grocery supplies in our hand now at the moment. He replied with a smile on his lips " I noticed you drooling over the noodles...........we will buy from there but only for today!!" there was a feel of demand and care in his voice which comforted me and at the same time sent warmth down my spine.

As soon as we reached the flat door we were wide eyed and surprised to see the size of the door unnaturally being the size of a mall door but one side handled. We were confused as to how will it even open up . Thinking there is always a first time, I opened the door by unlocking it with the key and slightly pushed it . And to my amazement it was kind of an automatic door as it went all the way back all by itself. Well moments of force worked on it. The longer the perpendicular distance of the point of application of force from the axis of rotation the lesser is the force required. Stepping in I noticed that the switches were on the back wall on my right and I switched them all on. That is when I noticed the numbers engraved in golden on the door"1106" and under it a saying " May the Goddess ATHENA and MINERVA shine upon you......". It stroke me that weren't these Gods of warfare?? Why the hell would these shine upon us...? Thinking that the apartment owner must me a fan of them I headed towards the new room unwillingly thinking that I have to go and unpack all these bags so that I could go to my supposedly finalised school tomorrow .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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