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You shivered, rubbing your arms. Why hadn't you brought a sweater?

"I'd offer you a sweater but I'm not sure I have one, is Josh still out?" Your friend, Hannah Washington asked.

You looked over at the man passed out on the soft couch and nodded.

"I'm sure he won't miss one of his sweaters." Hannah trailed off with a coy smile.

Hannah's twin sister, Beth rolled her eyes as Hannah padded up the stairs and disappeared into a room.

You and the twins were extremely close friends but you had never been over to their house, and you had only heard of their illusive older brother in stories.

He had graduated before you moved to western Canada from Quebec for your senior year, so you didn't quite get a chance to get to know him.

The twins were so nice to you when  they were assigned to show you around the campus on your first few days in town. Of course you spoke English as a second language, but they really helped you get down the nitty gritty stuff.

In return you taught them lesser known québécois insults to throw at the teachers on particularly bad days, which were always amusing to hear.

And thus, a beautiful friendship was born.

"Here you go!" Hannah exclaimed, tossing a hoodie in your direction causing josh to stir in his sleep.

Beth hushed her twin and Hannah blushed sheepishly.


You slid the hoodie over your head and you practically were drowning in the fabric.

You let out a muffled 'thanks' as you pulled your head through the opening. You looked down at the Vancouver Film School logo on the front of the front of the hoodie, that must have been where Josh went.

Beth turned on Netflix and grabbed a blanket, plopping down next to you on the couch before placing it over herself and laying dramatically over your thighs and putting on a fake accent. "I say wench! Play with my hair"

You laughed at your strange friend but complied.

Your laughter must have woke Josh up because he let out a grumble before sitting up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"What are you guys watching?" He asked sleepily.

"We haven't decided yet," Hannah suggested before a big devious smile made its way to her face. "Why don't you and Y/N put one on while we make some popcorn." She said getting up, hitting her sister's shoulder as she passed. "C'mon Beth, let's go make some popcorn."

"Oh! Yeah!" Beth said, finally clueing in.

"Could you get me a hot chocolate too?" Josh called after them. Beth hollered out in confirmation.

Your breath caught as he got up off the adjacent couch with a huff and sat himself down right beside you.

"What do you want to watch?" You choked out as a blush graced your cheeks.

You died a little as he reached over your shoulder and snatched the remote out of your hand. Out of the corner of your eye you could see him smirking to himself.

"Maybe we could watch a scary movie." He suggested.

"No!" You yelled a little to quickly, causing him to chuckle.

"What about magic mike?" He joked, raising his eyebrows. You decided to play back.

"Oh yeah! Channing Tatum is so dreamy." You joked, making him grumble.


"What about Ex Machina?" You asked. He nodded and put it on.

The twins came in and whispered to each other about your current state before they placed the food and drinks on the coffee table.

The twins sat back down, Beth taking Josh's old spot instead. "You didn't ask for a drink so I brought you a water, I hope that's okay." She directed at you.

"Yeah, of course!" You smiled, deep down longing for the glory of hot chocolate.

The movie had gotten halfway through and josh was leaning into you now.

"Want a sip?" Josh whispered, offering you his mug.

You tried not to seem to eager as you were as you accepted the cup and took a large sip.

A barely audible moan escaped your throat and you could see josh's eyes widen as he choked on his popcorn and you blushed deeply. Damn it, you made it weird.

After a moment josh regained his composure and spoke up in a whisper again. "Nice hoodie."

You were caught red handed.

"Sorry about that." You laughed, embarrassed. "On the bright side, it's like wearing a hug."

He smirked playfully, placing his arm around you once again. "How 'bout I just give you the real thing."

RAMI MALEK CHARACTER IMAGINES Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang