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The kiss was perfect. Exactly like they say in the books. The fireworks where there, exploding endlessly, everywhere we touched, I felt sparks. He took my breath away. I was lost in the kiss, not able to think about anything until we pulled away.

“Wow,” was all I could pull out of my muddled brain. I still couldn’t think straight but I was definitely thinking that that was the best kiss I could have ever dreamed of.

“Wow is right,” Cole whispered, then smiled like a five year old. “All I could ever dream for, amazing,” Cole whispered to himself, but I caught it.

“What?” I smiled right back. How was I lucky enough to land a guy like Cole? He is amazing and I my life is so complicated that no one should get involved but me.

“You,” was his only reply.



We just lay there, my head on his chest,  for the longest time, watching the world around us go dark, the fireflies come out just like the stars. I was consumed in my thoughts. How would he think I was special? How could he smile at me and tell me I’m his world? Does he know what I have been through? What happens every time I talk to my Mother? What will always happen? Does he know that the sole reason my mother sent me here is because I am not good enough for her and needed be put out of sight out of mind? How could he sit here and act like nothing was wrong with me? He must know, he must. There is no way he can think I am normal. Who would? If I ever thought that I could be with someone like Cole, I was kidding myself.

I yawned and Cole wrapped his arms tighter around me. The temperature has dropped considerably and I was beginning to feel the nip of the crisp air.

“Are you ready to go home?” Cole whispered.

“Yes,” I whispered back, starting to get up.

“Wait,” Cole pulled me back into his solid chest. I just lay there waiting for what ever was going to happen. “You need to know that I would never leave you in a million years. I would never hurt you, ever, and I will see to it that whoever hurts you will suffer.”

“Really?” I had had this promise made to me before and that was not kept. I was extremely hesitant to let anything more than dating progress, because from there comes love and trust that only leads to heartbreak.


“You can’t promise that,” I was close to tears.

“Yes I can because it’s a fact.”

“Promises are made to be broken,” I whispered as a lone tear streaked down my cheek.

“Promises are made to be kept, and I plan on keeping mine until forever ends, when the the stars fall from the sky and the universe implodes,” Cole made me look into his eyes as he wipes the tears away from my now wet face.

“But, I am a walking disaster, my life is a mess and it always will be. And It is all because a stupid promise was broken!” I was sobbing now at the memory of the last thing my mother said to me before I came here. How she made me feel unwanted and that it would have been better if I had died instead of Mike. How she had beat me and broke a promise that she made right after Mike’s death.

I was wrapped tighter into Coles’ arms as he tried to calm me down “Shhhhhh, Its ok, I never break my promises. Shhhhhhh, everything will be ok as long as I can help it, I promise.”

“How can you say that, how could anyone want to talk to some one like me? Even my own mother wants nothing to do with me!” I had moved away from Cole, who was now standing as I backed myself into a tree, my makeup running down my face with every tear.

“I want to be with you because you are perfect in my eyes, you are gorgeous, smart, athletic, funny, kind, and everything else I could want in a girl. You are my mate, my world, my everything. I will always be here for you no matter who else is. Don’t forget that ok? I promise to always be here for you, no matter what happens,” I saw the determination in Cole’s eyes, he was going to make me believe that mo matter what.

“Really truly?” I wanted more than anything to believe him.

“Really truly. Forever.”

Cole was my mate, and I was going to have to get used to the idea. Just as I decided to give him a chance, i felt a searing pain as I collapsed to the ground. I felt like something was trying to get out of me, even if it meant ripping me to shreds in the process.

“Ember!!!” I only heard Cole call out my name once before I blacked out.

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