Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I didn't wanna fall for Vic again but I did and even though I gotta live for 2, Jamal and Alicia.Anthony changed me but Vic is my life now.I woke to Jamal crying, Vic had Alicia playing with her.Jamal was red and Vic looked at me and smiled.I didn't respond back to that smile.

Are you coming back, Vic sed.

Where, I sed.

Home, Vic sed.

Idrk Vic, I sed.

I walked to the bathroom, I didn't look the same, I looked at the necklace and got in the shower I washed my hair.I got out and went to my closest.It was note from Anthony???

Dear Toya,

I know you don't know me that well but I'm in deep trouble by the time you get this I'm probably dead or they have.Don't cry, just take care of my angel for me, This dude named Cameron sed I owe him for getting to know you Idrk what happen , he pulled a gun on me and I jus want you to know that I Really Love You and hope you and Vic work it out and Raise Alicia Right.I know you in tears right now but don't cry, You once told me that you dont cry no more but Don't be cold-blooded anymore.But Never Trust Anybody..

♥♡ Your Cold-Blooded Babez♥♡

He was so right I opened my closest and got out my all black outfit.Ima kill Cameron and Keshia Tonight.

Vic came in and looked at me again."Cameron did it", I sed.I started getting all my things, I'm going back home and get this planned out right.I need my crew to help me.I got everything and left ,it took a long time but we got it done.I walked in the house and Paris looked shocked I jus went to my room and sat down and layed back, took my shoes off and stared at the ceiling, when Vic came in all he sed, Are You Ready.

I got up and went into the living room, Vic sat on the couch and Paris was sitting in Ty lap, I rather stand when Vic pulled me into his lap.I thought we suppose to be handling business.We are, Vic sed smiling.

I put head into his neck and fell asleep it feels good to be home again.

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