Standing on Tables

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Picture of Cody Knight^^^ Also if you want to make me a cover feel free!

I inch closer in the cafeteria where I hear yelling coming from one table where everyone is crowded around.

"...people like us don't even need these classes, we got talent in athletics and can get scholarships for what we are good at. My future job doesn't involve anything I'm learning so why do I have to know it?!" A voice yells from atop the table.

I stand on my tip toes to see the speaker babbling nonsense. Okay it's clearly a boy, but the back of his head is all I see. And all I need to see because that athletic build is hard to miss. And it's something that he would do.

"STERLING GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Mr. Carson our principal yells.

Travis does his famous smirk and hops off the table nonchalantly.

I get my lunch and sit by myself at me and Greyson's table.

I probably look really cliché right now, you know. The nerdy shy introvert girl sitting by herself at lunch.

Until Travis walked right up to me, "Hey Morris come sit with me and my pals since your buddy isn't here today."

He gives me a perfect smile probably thinking I'll give in to it. Which I almost did. Almost. His smile is quite the charmer.

I look at him right in his blue eyes, "How about you stick to your 'pals' and I'll stick to mine." I air quote pals and I smile.

"Sitting by myself is ten times better than sitting with you Travis." I then avert my eyes from his surprised ones and go back to eating my food.

"Okay well next time I'll just let you walk to school and ruin your perfect record." He snarls, and then walks off to his table.

Okay I must admit, that makes me feel a little guilty about declining his offer to sit with him. I mean, it's the least I could do right? I don't know when Greyson is coming back to school so he might be my only ride to and from school.

I sigh, as I grab my lunch and slowly trudge over to where he's sitting.

When he sees me approaching he scoots over, which gets him furious glares from the end of the table where kids were pushed off the bench. Then he pats the seat next to him.

Okay it's not even a seat, I don't know how he thinks I will fit in this tiny space between him and Cody.

I put my lunch down and squeeze between the two boys. They both smell really good.

"Decided to join us? I knew it wouldn't be long before your imaginary friends got boring." Travis said while giving me a smirk.

I roll my eyes, "I found it the least I could do since you drove me here. Speaking of which, can you take me home?"

"Right...that's the only reason." He winks, "Yeah sure, nothing better to do. Where is your boyf- Greyson?"

"We got in a little argument about me loosening up and trying new things. I got defensive and such, we ended on a bad foot." I tried explaining but it came out weird.

"What's wrong with trying new things?" He asks while popping a chip in his mouth.

"Nothing is wrong with it. For you. But for me, why fix it if it's not broken." I say and turn the other way because I'm done with this conversation.  

But Cody is already looking at me when I turn. Awkward? Yes.

But I can't avert my eyes from his deep brown ones. They seem to be digging into my soul. And it's freaking me out.

This is the first time I've actually paid attention to him.

He has tanned and toned skin that go smoothly with his soft brown hair and brown eyes.

I look down at my lunch and quickly finish eating, it's so awkward nobody is saying anything and all I can do is make weird eye contact with really attractive people.

Okay, Travis and Cody are pretty attractive. But their personalities are quite the opposite.

The bell rings and I am the first one out of the cafeteria.

The rest of the day goes by quickly, I got all my work done in class.

I look in the parking lot for Travis and spot him. Walking out the doors opposite of me.

Since Grey isn't here the girls are all over Travis, which I find very annoying but he pays no attention whatsoever to them and hops behind the steering wheel.

"So Morris, where do ya live?" He asks as we pull out.

"895 Crescent street." I say as I point which direction to go.

After a minute Travis tries to break the ice, "what do you think of the homework load so far? I'm drowning in it."

I chuckle, "it's not that bad, I get most of mine done in study hall though so I don't know."

He just raises his eyebrows, "nerd much? Then again nerds barely talk and you...yeah okay you're a nerd." He laughs.

He has a nice laugh, and it makes me smile, "I bet you Grey would gamble otherwise. He says I don't shut up."

"Yeah you're probably talking about equations and nerd stuff" he smiles.

I huff, "You're so funny."

"So I've been told many times." He says with a smirk.

When he pulls in my driveway I grab my bag and hop out but before closing the door I say, "Thanks for the ride, um can I have your number in case you have to take me again tomorrow?"

He smiles, but it almost instantly turns into a smirk.

I hand him my phone and he enters his number in, "thanks, bye."

I walk in the kitchen to Greyson sitting at the table.

"Who was that?" He snarls.

Authors Note
Hello!! I hope you all are liking what I've written so far! This is right on time! Go me. Lol stay posted, where do you think Greyson was?

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