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{-} "Emerald" {-}

I glared at the man referring as my 'teacher' trying to read his thoughts. He smirked, arms folded, leaning back. "I can tell what your doing... Archer..." he huffed.

I rolled my darkened eyes. "Yeah? Do you think I care? Not in the slightest..." I looked round the iron plated training room. It was decked out with cameras to check in on my behaviour. Since I was insane, insane out my mind as they would call it. I already knew but acted clue less for the sake of health.

I had tied back my hair so it wouldn't get in my way. It was still a matted mess but that was the least of my problems. I had to wear a long navy coat with a long back. The collar annoyed the hell out of me but it was what I had to bear with. With that I had black boots that ended at my knees.
The only weapon they gave me was a simple hand gun.

"Well then... lets see if your a good shot," he muttered, looking back at the assortment of training robots.

I sigh, winching one eye, line Lining up the shot. It was easy. Each shot hit perfectly, leaving a mark. I was aware that he was glaring at me, In shock and mockery. I passed a long glance at him. "Your problem?" I asked, turning my body to look at him head on.

He smirked. "Your a good shot... where did you learn to shoot like that?"

I raised my brow. "I've never held a gun before this. I think it just pure luck..." I looked at the gun over.

"Don't rely on luck... you'll end up dead..." he chuckled. "You seem a fit fighter... but... we already know your hot headed and stubborn and a tad insane..."

My eyelids squinted, glaring hardly at him. "A tad?" I laughed, wiping away tears from my laughter. "Wow... that's lousy excuse for a lie..."

He grunted. "Same person I met four months ago... you haven't changed..."

Oh I have... little by little... so little you didn't realise what I was doing...

"Oi, Jak, your needed... else were..." the raspy voice of Jade yelled as she lent against the door, pulling strands of red and cyan hair out her eyes of the same colour. "And you... your coming with me... we've found a suitable team for you..." she beckoned me forward. I looked at Jak, he nodded.

Jade kept mumbling to herself as we walked down the hall. "Damn... he should... burn..." she grunted. Her heels clicked as we walked, echoing down the vacant corridor.

"Where is everyone?"

"There out on a mission, something to do with a large gang and a fire on the south side of the city." She rambled. "But you and a couple of selected others are still here..."

I could... nah... it'll be obvious... and cameras...

She sighed heavily, glaring back at me. "What are you planing?" Her eyes gleaming with dark red tints to them. I stopped, hands behind my back.

"What? I can't do anything while I'm here..." I stopped at the sound of a gun shot ringing round the halls. Jades head spun to the side where she though it came from. Her hand reached back for the red thing on her hip. She pressed a back button on it. It quickly unfurled into a red blade of a scythe. Holding the handle she sprinted down the hall.

"Archer! Go find back up...!" She yelled.

I haven't really explored this place so in not going to find anything...

You could escape...

No... not now...

I ran in the opposite direction, pulling at the gun I had just been given. My panicked breathing was all that could be heard. Then I realised... there was no reason for me to be panicked... I couldn't die anyway...
I smirked.

I came face to face with a blonde haired girl. She pushed me back as soon as I ran into her.

"You... what are you doing out your cage..." she growled, pointing one of her guns at me.

"Listen I was sent to find you..." I snapped, picking myself back up. "You're the girl I was told about. Tasha isn't it?"

"Yeah... your problem? Oh wait... you don't have one... psychopath..."

"Look, I have your back you have mine. Deal? Besides you'll be easy to kill..." I grunted.

Behind her I saw a shadowy figure scurried holding an axe shaped thing in his hand. It leaped forward to strike Tasha in the head. Quickly I lifted my gun and shot him clean in the head with little to no hesitation.

"What the..." Tasha muttered, eyes darting back to the clean shot to the guys head. "How did you. . .? No one has that good of aim here..."

I snorted, looking back to the sound of labored breathing. With my gun in hand I quickly went to pull the trigger. Only to see that the panting came from a dark blond girl with what seemed to be cat ears.
I stopped for a split second, feeling the aura of the insane but not seeing it.

"Don't do that you idiot! What do you think your doing!" Tasha yelled down my ear, forcing me to lower my gun. She quickly ran to the girls side. "Charlie? Charlie, are you ok? " she asked, hand placed on the girls back.
She eventually looked up and nodded, her blue eyes sparkling with cold tears.

"Phoebe... they have pheobe..." she panted hands on knees to support her weight. "What are we going to do now? We're only in training and this happened..."

I cocked my head to the side. "What?"

Charlie gasped in horror when her eyes lay upon me. "Isnt that the one? "

Tasha nodded. "She should be good in this situation." She looked down at Charlie. "She has really good aim... "

" 'she' has a name. " I muttered, flicking my finger to her.

Tasha growled, shaking her head strongly. Heh... easy to piss you off...


They dragged me onto a set of iron beams above the hall. Below was a group of round about ten people surrounding a girl in the middle. All were twitching furiously. laughing, giggling and swinging weapons.

The girl hissed and attacked back with her hands flat and tips of fingers curled resembling claws of a tiger. Oddly, she had ears fixed onto her head... cat ears... she even had a tail of black and white. Her eyes blue and hair the same dark blonde as Charlie's but with a black and white streaking through out.

"Emerald..." Tasha said my name like it was poison, quickly throwing it out to be heard. "Do you think you can possibly..."

She paused, obviously to annoy me. "What! Do what!" I spat, getting more and more angry by the second.

"Kill them all with out going insane?" She said the word 'insane' like it was something I could click in and out of.

"What kind of idiot are you? I doesn't work like that!" I quietly yelled. She glared at me, telling me that it was an order. "Fine, fine... I'll do it..."

I stood up, holding my gun in my right hand. Jumping down I winced at one of them. Grunting, I pulled the trigger. He died. The rest of them glared back at me.

I smirked, pulling my arm to the side to shoot one that seemed more rogue than the rest. One by one I killed them all. The cat girl glared at me, nothing but evil intent on her eyes.

"Each killed with a head shot? Who are you?" She sneered.

"She's an agent on our team. Her name is Emerald." Tasha said, jumping after me.

"Hah 'agent' she looks like a rough criminal..." she laughed. And they call me insane...

"Phoebe! Are you ok?" Charlie asked, hugging onto her 'sister' tightly.

I sighed shaking my head. This is fun...

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