Chapter 2:How Should I Tell Him?

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Author's Note:From now on,I will try to add one chapter  to this story a day,until I feel it is complete. I hope u can all bear with this new system.

Elijah's POV:
Valentines day is coming up. To tell Issac how I think I feel,in going to send him a candy-gram.Candy-grams are basically these telegrams but the person gets candy along with a message!I hope Issac doesn't chooses to ignore me after this. I really want him to like me the way I like him. You know,the way I like him NOW!
Issac's POV:
Valentines Day is about to come around the corner.OH **** WTF AM I GOING TO DO IF ELIJAH DOES SOMETHING!!!Wait that's crazy,Elijah is straight. I hope not though.
I'm gonna admit to it,I love Elijah Haygood. But I wanna start out small. Maybe I could just get him a Candy-Gram. I wanna tell him how I feel.I'm not really that kind of person. Scratch the stupid *** candy gram idea!
I need to tell Elijah in person!
Elijah's POV:
I just spent my $2 on the Candy-gram.
"Seriously?"the girl asked me.
"Huh,"I asked,"What's wrong?"
"Your giving a Candy-gram to HIM!"I was actually offended. In issac defense I said,"Yes,you got a problem with it?"and then I walked off.
I loved Issac too much to just let someone talk about him that way.
But first...
Issac & Elijah's POV:
I need to come out to someone!

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