**Chapter 15**

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[Zayn POV]

I stood leaning against my car as I waited for the bell to ring for class, I swear I cannot wait until this year is over and I can get out of this place. I hate school and I hate people and I especially hate that fag Harry Styles. I don't know when my hate for the kid actually started but for as long as I can remember I have bullied him and I don't even care. He's worthless and it feels good to push people around, I've got a reputation to keep up after all!

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it up with my Zippo before putting my lighter back away safely into my pocket. I took a long drag on the nicotine filled paper then inhaled deeply. It instantly relaxes me and I let out the smoke I took down moments ago.

Just as the cloud of smoke left my mouth the wind blew it away and a curly mop of hair appeared walking through the front gates. Ahh my victim has arrived. I took another drag on my cigarette as I quickly made my way down the steps and toward the gate Harry just came in through. As I walked toward him he didn't once look up from the ground so I took the opportunity to stick my leg out and trip him when I reached him.

Harry fell face first onto the floor spilling his backpack contents all over the place. The students around us laughed and walked by not bothering to help. I stood laughing watching him scramble to gather his things together. Just as he picked up his last book and swung his backpack back over his shoulder I shoved him making him stumble back to the floor in a heap. I swung my leg back ready to kick him in the stomach when a hand fell on my shoulder.

"Dude what are you doing? Leave it out will ya!" a thick Irish accent told me off and I knew who was behind me.

"Niall really? You're going to ruin my fun!" I gasped faking hurt as I turned around giving Harry the chance to run away to his classroom.

"You shouldn't bully him. It's not nice, I see you doing it all the time and I'm not happy about it. You need to stop Zayn!" he spoke again and I let out a huff of air.

"Why are you sticking up for him? He's not your friend last time I checked!"

"Maybe not but that doesn't mean I go around bulling people, he's as much human as we are and you have no reason to treat him this way!" Niall tried to explain but I weren't having none of it, I'm not about to let some guy change my opinion on someone else.

Niall let out a huff of his own and walked away saying a quick goodbye I waved him off and made my own way into the school as the bell had already rung and now I am going to get a bollocking for being late. I hurried into the hallway and snuck into my classroom with a thankful distraction from Liam so the teacher didn't see.

After managing to sneak into my first class of the day un-noticed the day seemed to go by rather quickly. I soon found myself sitting at the popular lunch table in the dining hall with Liam and a few of our closest friends, everyone seemed to be chatting amongst themselves and about what they are planning to do on the weekend.

"I saw you talking to Niall Horan this morning, what was all that about?" Liam asked quizzingly.

"Oh him, yeah he stopped me from giving that Harry another kick in. I don't know why he was sticking up for the kid they're not even friends." I explained and Liam seemed a bit taken back by my words.

"He was sticking up for Harry? Why would he do that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine mate!" I answered and took a bite of my food.

I ate the remainder of my pizza slice then continued to talk with Liam about the ins and outs of school. The weird thing is neither of us has ever brought up the subject of why we bully and the reasons behind who we bully; I don't know if it's a conversation I want to have but the thought pops up every now and again.

"So you got much planned for this up coming weekend?" Liam asked as we made our way onto the football field.

"Naa nothing as of yet but I'm sure something will come up, there's always some kind of party going on in this town." I smirked

"Well let me know aye."

"Definitely mate!"

I gave Liam a fist bump then left him to play football with our friends while I lit up a cigarette, I'm not much of a ball player so I just watch most the time. After lunch we all headed back to our afternoon classes. The day finished pretty quickly so with nothing else left to do I headed home to the confines of my bedroom ready for a new day tomorrow.

We Met In A Dumpster [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now