Chapter 3

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Music for this Chapter – A Thousand Years – Cover Boyce Avenue acoustic


 “Okay , okay mom.” I say hurried and walk to the big hallway up to the stairs. I come upstairs and go straight to my ‘bedroom’. I open mine bag and take my book out of my brown bag. When I found my book I walk to the bed and smite the green blankets open. Although it’s summer it’s cold in this room so I hide myself in the warm and nice green blankets and open my book where I had stayed the last time.

My arms go around her neck. I hug her so tightly as I can and we cry like this is the end of the world. All of the quarrels that we had , all the nasty , wicked and hurtful words that we threw to each others, heads disappears. I’m so sorry that I did all does bad thing and was so selfish. I know she can be annoying , stupid , arrogant , shrewish , bossy and everything , but at this moment I don’t care. Now I’m here with her and nobody can hurt me anymore. Everything that that stupid mystery kidnapper did to me is now slowly washed away by the hug of my sister. At the same time it is so strange to hug her normally we don’t hug like this , we rarely hug , but this feels like a medicine. I know when I’m going to remove my arms of her neck everything comes back shooting in my head. Everything I have been through in that dark and filthy room.

(Flashback in the book)

I hear the door slam and I sit still on the almost broken wooden chair with my hands strapped to the back of the seat. I shouldn’t have run away when me and Paula were fighting. Why do we always fight , we always fight over little and stupid things but then the quarrel grows and becomes worse. Then at the end one of us normally runs away from home. This time it was me that ran away , usually we always return to home , but this time it was different. I walked in to a alley where were always drug dealers who were always smoking , drinking and of course were sniffing drugs. I wanted to turn around and ran away but before I knew I was surrounded by all kinds of strange boys and old men.  I begin to cry by the idea , I promise me if I ever get out of here I will be nicer and I will try to be as lovely as I can to my sister , she is the only one with who I’m living with. She’s actually more important then I thought and I know that she can be so rude to me and everything but I can say that I love her. These few days punish me for being so unkind and for everything that I did to her. For not spending so much time with her. I hope she is fine now and that she is happy.

(End of the Flashback)

I remove my arms of her neck.

-“Sorry , sorry for everything.” We said lachrymose at the same time.

“Lauren.” I hear my mother say and knocking at the door. I close my wonderful book.

“Yes I’m coming keep calm mum.” I say while I’m walking to the door. I had accidentally locked the door, what I do sometimes when I’m home, but that isn’t accidentally. I turn the lock and open the door.

“I’m Lotte , not mum.” She says and enters the room , her voice is like mine mother’s and people say that my voice is the same as Lotte’s , I don’t think so , I know we are twins but we are so different , she is taller than me , sociable, much kindly and I don’t think our faces are similar most twins have like almost the exactly faces, but we doesn’t and I’m happy with that because otherwise I think it’s strange to look at someone who looks exactly as me and it’s like you’re looking in the mirror but there isn’t any mirror. And well she looks a year younger than me and I don’t like to say that we are twins. As well I like to be different

“I see that you were reading.” She says kindly ,while I’m walking to my bag. I see that’s she is putting her clothes in the closet.

“Yes.” I say simple and softly and I put my bag on my bed and begin to put my cloths in the same closet as my sister, but on the other shelves, the closet is very big it’s almost a walk-in-closet.

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