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She pinned me against the wall. "I'm not acting like an adult?" She asked getting in my face. "No you are not" I said. She got closer and closer to me until our lips connected.


"This is gonna be one juicy story" Perez said. I hurried and pushed Stefani off of me before she could do anything else.

"Come on, you're going home" "I don't wanna" she whined. I rolled my eyes and picked her up bridal style. We walked out of Sarah's house and straight to my car.

"I can't believe you did that shit in front of Perez fucking Hilton. You're gonna be fucking murdered by the press for a while" I told her.

Not that she was listening, she was way too drunk to listen to anyone. She wanted control but she wasn't gonna get that.

"Kiss me again" "No" She frowned and pouted her bottom lip. "Please Tara just one more, please?" She begged. I shook my head.

"Please? It's not like I'm gonna fuck you I just want a kiss" she stared at me with puppy dog eyes. They were so adorable but I had to say no. I can't let her take control.

"I will no-" she crashed our lips together at first our lips moved in sync but the guilt killed me. I pulled away and sighed.

"You're no fun" she frowned. "I'm always fun" "Not right now" she rolled her eyes. "Okay then teach me how to be fun right now" I turned off the car.

She slid her her hand to the hem of my pants. I popped her and she moved her hand quickly. "That hurt" she pouted her bottom lip.

Taylor was gonna be the one hurt if I let you continue.


I scrolled through the Instagram explore page out of boredom. There's literally nothing better I can do with my life right now than look at memes about dumb shit.

Bryan sent you a message.

I squinted my eyes and clicked on the notification.

Idk what you said to Stefani but she must've taken it for something else cause {link}

I clicked the link out of curiosity but I really wish I didn't. A frown appeared in my lips seeing my girlfriend making out with her best friend.

Not once but twice. Once in some type of house and another in Tara's car. "I can't believe I trusted her" I whispered. "She's not the one" I shut my phone off and laid in my bed.

It took everything out of my will not to cry about this. I ringed up my mom.

"Hello?" She answered. "Stefani cheated on me with Tara" "What?! Really? You sure whatever you saw wasn't photoshop?" "Yes I'm sure and I'm very upset" I said.

"I'm sorry honey" she said softly. "Call Stefani maybe she'll explain everything to you if you listen" she said. "What the hell do I need to call her for?! She cheated on me with her own best friend!"

"Two people I thought I could fucking trust" I lowered my tone. "I know but anything could've happened in that time frame. Maybe she got really drunk or drugged. You don't know everything Taylor" I sighed.

She reasoned with me about a few more things before I hung up.

Should I call Stefani or should I call Tara?

I didn't know which to call at first but after a few seconds of thinking I called Tara.

"Can you explain these photos of you and Stefani kissing?" She didn't even get to say hello but I honestly don't care. I want to know what's going on.

"She's drunk right after she kissed me I pushed her away fast" she explained. "And then you realized that you enjoyed it so you wanted to take it to the car?" I asked.

"No, no, no! You got it all wrong" she explained to me what happened in the car also but I'm still curious and I'm still hurt knowing that Stefani did that to me.

Knowing what actually happened made me feel a bit less like shit but it didn't help much because what if she gets drunk that that again? Will she go out and cheat again?

Will being drunk always be her excuse?


That awkward moment when you realize your fav is dating an old man.

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