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This chapter is for the girl that's being abused physically, mentally, and emotionally. It's easy to see when something's wrong with us physically. But what about mentally? If people don't even notice you're in need of help, they're not going to offer assistance. If you can get your head in the correct place then you've got the strength to handle anything life throws at you. We are all different and have different qualities - different not better or worse - just different. Some benefits of gaining greater emotional well-being include knowing that your needs are important and you deserve to be happy. Heal yourself sweetheart. You have to love him enough to let him go when he's treating you wrong. I love you and care for you. I'm with you. - Cedrec Newbill ~ I'm With You.

{I'm With You} by: Cedrec NewbillDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora