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Once upon a time in a far off land... Wait wrong genre lets try this again...


We were just kids sitting in the back room , none of us asked for this .we didn't want to loos everything to have it all taken , I didn't ask to be the only one , to be watched everywhere I go ,to attend therapy sessions that will never help .You see everyone wants to be different , special , but at what cost? People often have misled desires they all want to be extraordinary but if anything , I just want to be normal again . 

maybe this is my punishment ,I could have told them not to go , I could have saved them , called someone .i just stood there quivering In fear , they died because of me . The smell of smoke is forever stained in my nostrils , the brightness of fire burned into my eyes , and the screams the gut wrenching cries of pain that ring in my ears every time I close my eyes .

I don't get nightmares anymore.

Only memories ,one memory that haunts me every night .  We were just at a summer camp expecting nothing interesting to happen the five of us all In a room . I can still remember the feeling of the pages between my fingers as I read to the youngest of us ,the soft cushion of the chair , the light and mirthful laughter . The other three kids left to grab a snack leaving me over watch over Alison . That's when it happened a large echoing boom erupted shaking the building the smell of burning meat flooded my senses , I had to check on the other kids . Looking out the door I saw something that will never leave me . Fire , blood , and three figures burning away screaming as their flesh was torn at by the flames , despite the heat I was frozen all I could do was close the door and look at the little girl ,just five years old  , who was in the room with me . I couldn't move , I couldn't speak , I couldn't warn her . She was asking what was happening what was going on , where did her big brother and his friends go ? But just as quickly as the fire down the hall started so did the one out side causing the window to blow open , one shard in particular heading toward Alison and pearling her in the heart . I couldn't make a noise , my breathing hitched in my throat , I collapsed dragging my knees to my chest with wide eyes and just stared as she bled out her raged breathing slowing , her pool of blood reaching my hands . She died right next to me . I was so caught up In watching her I forgot about the fire until by back began to burn jolting me out of this state , I ran , I ran through the fire as the flames licked at me threatening to catch making it outside before I joined in on the same fate as the others .

I collapsed on my knees head to the ground as I finally cried , heaving up sobs and wails of pain fear and grief. The entire camp burned . Their was only me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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