Dear Dolt

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Or should I say Complete Dolt? I think complete dolt fits a little better. 

It seems you haven't changed much either. You're still that same dolt that I knew back when Beacon was still standing. Of course, your outlook may have changed but the way you handle things hasn't. I was trying to be sincere and heartfelt in that last letter and you ruined it Ruby Rose! How dare you. 

Now I'm the one that's kidding. In all honesty, I almost miss that kiddish attitude you had when we both still attended school before its fall. I said almost, Rose, don't get too excited. 

Onto other matters... 

I received your letter and, truthfully, it made me smile. I always admired your ability to do that, if I haven't said already. I think I have, but it's worth, in my opinion, reiterating - but... 

In the case of my escape plans, I have made lots of progress! Thank you for asking. I have decided that I will be headed to Mistral. It would appear that Winter and her fleet is going to be there, and I can think of no one better than my sister to be received by when I get there. Of course it will be a risky operation and the chances to get caught and punished for life are high, but that's a risk I am willing to take in spite of all the danger. And if what you said is true, that Haven Academy may be the next school attacked, the next one to fall, then I think I should be there to see to it that it doesn't even if it is attacked. 

They're going to need all the help they can get in fighting against whatever this evil thing is, and I shall be happy to lend my fighting efforts to the force against this evil one. After all, I feel like I sort of owe it to Haven now that Beacon has fallen, and there really wasn't much... despite my... despite all of our best efforts we could have done to prevent that. But now we get a chance to try again Ruby, so let's show them who's boss! 

Oh... well.... 

In the matter of the missing value.... well that's something that I... don't quite feel comfortable disclosing to you in the way we've been communicating. I don't trust that these papers and my handwriting could do justice what it would be that I would be trying to explain to you. Or what it was I was trying to say... It's just something that I'll have to give my best efforts to in explaining to you in person, too, whenever it is we see each other again. 

Thank you for the picture, and the compliments on my outfit. It's just something I felt would fit a little more appropriately now that I'm back here in Atlas. But your outfit looks fantastic on you! Your usual colors have always looked good on  you, Ruby. But, the sleeves I notice are familiar. As is the red cape you're wearing across your shoulders like that. 

Could it perhaps be a tribute to our late friends? If so, I think that's a really sweet sentiment to show. And as soon as I get my hands on something red, which I will not find here in Atlas, perhaps I will be able to honor our late friend Pyrrha as well - though I must warn you, red does not look as good on me as it does on you. 

I could never forget what YOU look like, your face is engrained in my mind forever whether I like it or not. But, it was a nice thing to do to answer my picture, and I did find myself smiling at the picture as I was holding it. It almost reminded me of when a new semester at school would start and we would all meet back up again. It felt just like that. And I was almost pretending it was that exact circumstance. 

Though it's not, I have to keep moving forward and you have to keep moving forward too. So I am headed to Mistral, to keep you updated on where I'm going, please you and everyone watch each other's backs - I don't need you losing your life and a battle to some Grimm I know you can beat. I'll see you when I see you, I guess. 

But for now, I must pack and depart, which means I won't be able to write you letters anymore, so please don't send anything else. I promise eventually we'll meet up again, and know that until I can find you and we can be part of Team RWBY again, I'll always keep you in my mind. I have faith that you won't fail in your upcoming challenges, and please have faith in and for me that I will make it alright to Mistral as well. 

If all goes well, then it shouldn't be too long before I can see your face, with those weird silver eyes, and that dorky smile again. I mean that in the sweetest way possible. And though I wanted to criticize you for your use of really non-English words back in the previous letter you sent to me, I suppose I shall let it slide just this once. 

Always on your side, wishing you the best. 

Love, your bestest friend in all of Vale, AND, the best teammate ever, 

Weiss Schnee. 

PS - See you soon, Ruby Rose, you can count on that! 

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