--Craziness-- (Ch. 5)

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“How could i ever forget you, you who killed our own blood siblings” I yelled out to her as I gave her a deadly glare; that only made her smile a wicked smile.

“Ah~ How i remember that day! It was so red! So red! Their blood was all over the floor and on me! I loved it, i loved it, i loved it! The way their eyes looked at me when i finished them off, the way they yelled and screamed in pain, and the way they looked when i finished them off! I loved it all! All of it!” She began to laugh in a manic kind of laughter while smiling. As she laughed and laughed i narrowed my eyes at her and looked at her with disgust.

“Oh how i wish i could do it all over again, to rip their arms and legs apart to see the red blood come out of them and see it splatter everywhere. Oh how i do wish i can see it and enjoy it all over again!”

“Stop it! Just shut your mouth and leave this minute” I glare at her even more as she just smiles and laughs.

“Oh Masuyo, how cruel you can be to me. I still remember when you entered the room and saw me in the middle of the room with blood surrounding me and on me. Your eyes widen and you looked terrified, oh how i wanted to kill you as well too. But no i could not bring myself to kill you, no because i love you Masuyo and you only and i won’t have anyone come in between our love!”

“What love! I don’t love you at all, you disgust me and i wish you would die!”

“Masuyo, oh masuyo do not say such words to me, it hurts my heart and if you want me to die then i will allow you to kill me off”

“Shut up, you disgust me with your words. Now leave and go back to where you came from!”

“But masuyo, i won’t leave without you”

“What? I’m not going back to that place anyway Father told me he did not want me t-”

“I killed him” My eyes widen as she said those words and i couldn’t resist on staring at her.

“Y..you what?!” She lowers her head while showing a wicked smile on her face.

“I killed him! Yes i killed him! He cried out so many times for mercy, but i didn’t stop; instead i kept on making him scream in pain until i finished him off!” I clenched my hands into fist as my face turned from surprised to anger.

“How dare you!” In a second she is sent flying out the door of the room while making me come out and grabbing her by the collar and making her face me.

“I will not allow this! I was suppose to be the one to kill him not you!” She smiles still while her eyes widen with excitement.

“But i killed him! I saw his blood running out of him and i heard his screams of pain as he yelled, yes i heard it all and saw it all while it stained my hands. I enjoyed it so much just i like i did with our siblings! Yes and now you and I can be together, no one will separate us! We will live and love each othe-” I punch her hard in the face  to make her stop talking.

“You disgust me, so die!” I punch her again and again, since i did not have my whole strength yet, i had no choice but to use my physical body to harm her.

“Die, just die!” I go to punch her again, but instead of letting me she grabs my hand looks at me while smiling still with blood all over her face.

“Masuyo i thought you would like it if he died, so i killed him. But instead you are angry with me why?! Why, why, why, why,why, why,why,why,why,why,why!?!?” She stands up while holding tightly to my hand causing me to twitch in pain.

“I did it all for you Masuyo! But yet you don’t like it! Maybe i should kill you just like i did with  our siblings!” Her eyes turn into a mix of excitement and sadness. My eyes widen as she says that and throws me towards the wall.

“I’ll see your blood splatter everywhere! I’ll be the one to see your pain expression and i will be the one to hear you scream!” She laughs and laughs as i struggle to get up.

“No you won’t. I will be the one to see and hear  those things, because i will be the one doing those things to her” My eyes widen as i look over to see Izaya who causes my sister to stop laughing and look at him with anger.

“How dare you say that, I will be the one!” A sharp object comes flying towards her and cut her cheek.

“I’m sorry, but i will not allow you to do anything to her, because like i said i will be the one to do those things” She wipes the blood off her face and smiles while licking it.

“Alright then, I’ll just get rid of you too then, that way no one will stand in my way!”

(Also if you  want to know what will be going oon and when i will update then follow me on my twitter acount for this account. If you are Interested then look up Writer_Yuki567 )

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