Special Place ~Felix PewDiePie Kjellberg

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Requests! Yes. I accept them, loves! Don't be shy now c;

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Felix had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh in a loving manor. He was taking me somewhere special but he refused to tell me. I tried plenty of times to get it out of the silly man. Pewds just wouldn't budge. I'm kind of glad he didn't because, lesbihonest, everyone likes a nice surprise sometimes.

The top was done on Pewdie's car and we were listening to "Dark Horse" by Katy Perry. And, of course, Pewds being Pewds, he was singing extremely off key and was being loud as hell. We were currently at a stop light when the chorus came,

So you wanna play with magic?

Boy, you should know what you're falling for.

Baby do you dare to do this?

Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse

Are you ready for, ready for

A perfect storm, perfect storm

Cause once you're mine, once you're mine

There's no going back.

People were staring and giving us dirty glares while I was laughing my ass off. I tried to sing with him but I was laughing way too hard. Felix was, too. "They just jealous because I'm fabalous. . ."[1] He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his and smiled. The light turned green and he took his eyes off of me and put them back on the road.

"Are you excited?" he asked me. I simply nodded and put my hand on his that was on my leg and smiled. "Good, because. . . We're here!"

I looked around to see the park. I loved the park so much. It made me feel like a little kid again. Pewdie already did that most of the time but this was great, too.

"This is awesome, Pewds! C'mon let's go!" I squealed. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and almost got out. Almost. He grabbed my hand.

"Wait. I have a surprise for you." he smiled and chuckled like a walrus.

"What? What is it, love?" He didn't answer my question. He just twirled his finger motioning for me to face away from him. I did as I was told. I felt a piece of fabric go over my eyes. Great, he was blindfolding me. "Pewds. . . What is this for?" I giggle. Again, he didn't reply. I could hear him open and close his door and make his way over to my side of the car. He opened my door and grabbed my hand, signaling for me to stand up. I stood up and heard my door shut, as well as the shuffle of gravel beneath our feet.

I hated not knowing where I was going. I was a curious person and this was practically torture.

"Just follow me, I'll keep you safe. . ." Pewdie whispered in my ear attempting to sound sexy. I laughed and just kept following him.

- Time Skip because BROLO c; -

When we finally stopped walking, Felix took off the blindfold and my eyes met a cherry tree that was blossoming. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. . . The sun perfectly shined through the tree and the cliché-ness of it all was increasing by the second, but I didn't mind; I didn't mind at all. I was a total sucker for that kind of thing. I couldn't help it.

Pewds came from behind me and wrapped his long arms around my waist; I loved it when he did that. "Isn't it beautiful?" asked Pewds while kissing my cheek. "This can be our special place. Just for you and me."

"It is. . . And that would be amazing, Pewdie. Where did you find this place?" I asked.

"Have you ever just wanted to be left alone for a while, so you just venture out, not knowing what you'll find and then you come across something amazing?" I'd never seen him so. . . Serious and content before and I lived with him. It was nice for a change. . . To see another side to the always-playful-Felix.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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