Chapter 1: The Plan

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Today is the day me and dad finish the final touches of the plan. To be honest I'm only doing this for him because he needs me. I'm the only thing he has left.

"Is it finished?" I asked.

"Yes, my plan is complete. Now go over to the breach, my dear." he replied.

"Okay." I say as I walk in front of the breach."Now what?"

"Do you know what I want from that world?"My father asks as he walks in front of me


As soon as I said that he pushed me through unexpectedly. As I was falling  through all I could see was blue. I then tumbled through and landed on my arse. I got up and turned around that was when I saw 4 men and 2 women starting at me. I only recognised one of them, Harrison Wells. He fled through the breach when his daughter was taken by Zoom.

The second I saw him I knew he would recognise me so, following my gut, I sped from the room.

Barry's P.O.V

I had arrived at S.T.A.R. labs because Cisco called and said there was weird activity with the Breach. Once I got there all of us (me, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe and Dr. Wells) went to the Breach to start examining it.

"I don't understand why its doing this." Cisco said as he gestured to the monitor that was showing the Breach was fluctuating a lot more than usual. 

"Maybe someone is trying to get through."I replied.

"Why would someone want to get through."Iris asked.

"They have either been sent by Zoom, or want to get away from Zoom." Dr. Wells stated.

Just then the breach opened and a girl fell out she got up and turned around as soon as she saw Harry she sped off with purplish blue lighting following her.

"Who the hell was that?" Cisco asked with his voice raised a bit.


As soon as I saw Harrison, I sped off to get away from him before he realised who I was. I stopped running in front of an abandoned warehouse on the docks.

I walked into the building and I noticed a table in the corner of the large warehouse. I sped over to it and pulled it into the centre of the warehouse. When I had finished moving the table I took my backpack off and placed it on the table. I unzipped the backpack and grabbed my tablet dad had given me. It had the copies of the plans on it so I would know what to do when I traveled through the breach.

I turned on the tablet to discover that the data was corrupted. Without a computer it was going to take forever to try and un-corrupt the data.

I sighed as I realised that I couldn't go outside for too long because of those people I saw and my doppelganger might be alive and in this city. I know what you're thinking, why didn't my father and I look her up before  I came here? We did and all of that information is on the tablet. This was going to be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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