the marking

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description: slavery has been outlawed in Araluen; however, there are still those few that own them, and of course there are illegal slave traders. what happens when King Duncan and his group come upon a young slave that has them all falling in love with him, even the emotionless Halt? a young slave has somehow found himself to be the company of the king and some of his men, what will happen to him? and just exactly who it this slave?

warning: punishment of slave, inappropriate touching, blood, memories, beatings, and so on.

disclaimer: all known characters belong to author, John Flanagan! not me!

I looked directly into his eyes. my own beautiful warm brown eyes stared into his mud brown ones. I must have taken to long to answer, as all of a sudden my head snapped towards the right as he backhanded me, splitting my lip and leaving a bruise on my left cheek. so I looked at him once more and answered his question. "my name is Will"

as soon as the name left my mouth, the gag was forced back in and I was once more unable to speak. I raised my eyes to the man once more, and couldn't help but show the shiver that traveled down my spine at the look I saw in his eyes, my eyes were once more adverted towards the floor. I hear his booming laugh, and once more I shiver, dreading what comes next. I couldn't help but flinch away as his hand came forward and grabbed a hold of my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes once more, and making me see the evil smile that now graced his lips.

"my name's Allen, but you will call me 'Master'." I would never call him master, and my eyes seemed to tell him this. He seemed to find this funny, as he suddenly started laughing, which caused the ball of dread in the pit of my stomach to grow just that much bigger. "you will call me Master, you'll see. but I don't like your name, Will, it just doesn't sound right. No, from now on you will be boy, slave, or anything else I wish to call you, and you will answer to them all. now lets have a little fun slave"

I closed my eyes as Allen, I will not call him master, put the blindfold back over my eyes. I hear the sound of a chain, and then feel a chain replacing the rope around my neck, it's cold and I can't help but shiver as it touches my bare skin. I hear the chain being ran through something, and can't help but wonder what is about to happen, only to feel dread once more I the chain is pulled tighter. I soon find myself kneeling with my forehead touching the floor of the cabin, the chain to sort to rise any higher. the ball in my stomach only grows as I hear him messing around with something outside the wagon, and as I know that if I continue to focus on him I will a panic attack, I instead focus on my breathing. I count every breath, until I know that an hour has passed. my muscles are sour and my back aches from being in this position for so long, but I can nothing for it, and suddenly I hear Allen climbing into the wagon once again.

"I'm going to enjoy this boy. you, not so much." his laugh is loud and long, and I find myself hoping that he laughs until he fall from the wagon, this is not the case. "now where to put it? it would look good anywhere, but I want it somewhere where only I shall see it. I got it! it's perfect! and I can give you something else so you know you belong to me. oh yes, this will be fun"

If I wasn't so used to hiding my emotions, I would be shaking with fear, as I know know that he means to mark me as his own, as only a few masters do to their slaves. I forced myself to be still as I feel his hand traveling down my back, but can't help but flinch when he reaches the small of my back, and pulls my trousers down a little further. his hand is now resting just above my butt, and I jump as he raises it and slaps my butt, before he laughed and places a hand on my back, forcing me to stay still. I feel something hot near my skin, and freeze as I now realize what he plans on doing, but I can do nothing. I scream into the gag as the red hot brand is pressed into the flesh of my lower back, as the smell of burnt flesh raids my nose, and as the brand is finally lifted from my body. my back is on fire, and I am still frozen, but I still jump hiss as 'He' brings his hand down and slaps the new brand.

"it's not over just yet boy, but this one won't be quite as painful." this didn't help me relax as the chain was made longer and I was once more on my knees before him. I feel his hand traveling over my chest to my left nipple, and I freeze once more as he takes it between his fingers and pinches. I feel something cold touch my nipple, and scream into the gag once more as a needle is forced through the skin, only to scream even louder when the needle is removed and a ring is forced through. he pulls on the ring when it is in place, and finally the pain gives me what I seek. an escape from this world, as I finally black out from the pain.

I groan as I slowly wake, only to scream into my gag as I felt something slam into the brand on my lower back. I open my eyes, only to still see darkness, only then realizing that a blindfold still covers my eyes. I quickly try to get control of my breathing, praying that HE didn't hear, but apparently my hopes were for not. I can't help but cringe away from him as I hear his booming laugh; and then, as I try to move away, do I realize that I am no longer in a wagon, but on the ground with my hands and feet bound with chains.

"you've been out for a few hours boy, in that time ol' Allen has had ta take care of you. you're gonna have to thank me latter boy. but for now, it's time to sleep." he laughs once more, but this time he places his foot on my stomach, making me unable to roll away from him. I feel him lower his body to the ground behind me, and freeze as an arm wraps itself around my waist, and pulls me to him. I try to remain frozen, not wanting to give his the satisfaction of knowing that I am afraid, but this plan fails as I begin to shake. once of his hands has made it's way up my chest to my now pierced nipple, and was rolling the piercing between his fingers, causing a hiss of pain to escape through the gag. his other hand was traveling lower, until it rested at the hem of my trousers, and once more I froze, only for him to laugh behind me. "I don't force my lovers boy, but soon, soon, I'll have you begging for me to take you."

I let out a relieved sigh as his hands both come to rest on my stomach and his breathing levels out as he falls to sleep, relieved that he wasn't going to rape least not tonight. knowing I needed to escape, I try to move a little, only for his arms to tighten around me, labeling me unable to move. as soon as I try, I know that there will be no escape tonight, and that I'll just have to bide my time and hope for the best. but his words run through my head once more, and I shiver in disgust and dread as they run through my mind 'I don't force my lovers boy, but soon, soon, I'll have you begging for me to take you'. I know I will never beg for him to rape me, just as I know that I will never call him master. I promised myself long ago that the only man I would call 'Master' was the one I was apprenticed too, and my father taught me never to beg, for it only gives your enemy satisfaction. that, and who the hell would beg for a man to rape them? NO, I'll bide my time and wait to escape, and then I'll run, and never return.

with these thought running through my mind, I close my eyes and force myself to ignore the man sleeping behind me, force myself to pretend that it is only a blanket wrapped around my stomach keeping me to him. I let myself fall into an uneasy sleep, dreaming of escape, and promising myself that I would not rest until I was free from this man. I just have to bide my time.

R&R Please!

look, I know that people are going to want updates, but as I said; this isn't the best time in my life. so kindly be patient and if you are going to ask for an update be nice, NOT disrespectful, rude, or demanding. and please...NO F*****G CUSSING!

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