The Future

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Zane POV

I had learned of my magic how to look into the future, so I gathered everyone and as I turned on my HATE magic as a screen on a wall. we all sat and watched at the so distant future. the first thing we saw was a skeleton lying on his spine outside the lab?

he looked like my dad but had one white pupil and one blue one with little rounded glasses taped to his skull. he had his arms spread out as he was staring at the-not so real-sky. Just then someone was staring down at him,he looked human.

"hey uncle Zane!" the kid-he looked about 12 or so-said. my first thought was i'm a skeleton now!?" but then I saw me as my demon self walk up with someone who looked like a straight out copy of my dad but younger.

"good morning Genagram" the skeleton said. we were all quiet as to not miss any important detail. "are you looking for Cloud? hes inside messing with my paperwork" the skeleton got up.

"thanks!" the child known as Genagram ran into the lab to go search for someone. "your such a nerd you know that?" I said. "yeah I know and i'm proud"

the skeleton that looked like a copy of my dad shook his head.

we had a lot to discus even from this so I shut off my magic as we all gathered around to talk about what we had just witnessed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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