Chapter 12

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*Ashley's Point of View*

As we were eating lunch I was really happy. I'd forgotten all about the cheerleaders, and was excited about Friday. Alex had been partnered with me and he seemed happy about it! I can't believe I had forgotten to turn on the microscope light, I must have looked like a complete idiot. Ryan didn't look too happy though. When he was looking through his microscope he had a scowl on his face and looked tense. Whoever his partner was, he obviously wasn't happy about it. I think it was a girl and her name started with a J. Jillian, Janet, Jane... Whatever. She didn't hang around him after she was done obviously. "Hey! Ashely?" Ryan said breaking my train of thought. "Yeah?" I answered. "I've been trying to get your attention for three minutes, what were you thinking about?" He asked. Oh. Oops. "Just about the microscope and our partners. Nothing important." I answered. "Were you happy with you partner?" I asked. "Not at all." He replied. "So what do you wanna do today after school?" He asked. "I was thinking we could study for the quiz tomorrow, chat, do homework, just hang out at one of our places." I told him. "Sounds great." He said and we both smiled. The lunch bell rang, and we both went to our next class. The day went fine, nothing all that cool happened. Except we had no homework in history.

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